profit from
1. 得益于,利用
2. 从中渔利
2. 从中渔利
- New consultancies teach businesses how to profit from the arts .
- 新的专家咨询意见教导企业如何从艺术中获利。
- Cybersquatting is the registration of a trademarked domain name or one very similar to it such as micrsoft . Com with the intent to profit from it .
- 域名抢注即注册已有商标的域名或者与这些商标类似的域名,例如“”目的是从中渔利。
- But those who invested globally were able to profit from rising international markets .
- 但那些投资全球的投资者却能够从不断走高的国际市场上获利。
- Which is why goldman 's rivals should resist the urge to profit from its misfortune .
- 这就是为什么高盛的竞争者应该放弃从高盛的危机中获利的念头。
- The fund 's sole proposition is to profit from the expected long-term appreciation of renminbi against the us dollar .
- 该基金唯一要做的是从人民币兑美元长线料将升值的趋势中获利。
- Investors around the world eager to profit from china 's fast-growing economy want to know the risks .
- 全世界希望获利于中国经济高增长的投资者都想知道其中存在什么样的风险。
- But the profit from these sites is limited .
- 但是从这些网站得到的利润是有限的。
- If you think property is overpriced it is difficult to profit from that view .
- 如果你认为房地产价格过高,你将很难从这种观点中获益。
- The group 's shares climbed 4.5 % after it set out new targets for its asian operations including a plan to double profit from new business in the region by 2013 .
- 保诚保险集团股价上涨4.5%,此前该集团为亚洲业务制定了新目标,计划截止到2013年,把该集团亚洲地区的业务利润提高一倍。
- They often profit from it too .
- 通常情况下,他们也会从中获利。