proportional to
- These springs supply a reacting force proportional to the deflection .
- 这些弹簧提供了与偏差成正比的恢复力。
- Fan noise is roughly proportional to the 5th power of fan speed .
- 风扇噪声大致与风扇速度的第五级功率成比例。
- This is an indicator of some robustness : the robustness of an item is proportional to its life !
- 这是某种坚挺性的一个指标:事物的坚挺性与它存在的时间成正比!
- Emission rate is proportional to the photon field energy density .
- 受激辐射率正比于光场能量密度。
- I recently thought about how to find opportunities and I came across this thought : how many opportunities you find is proportional to how many overlooked things you discover .
- 我最近就如何发现机会进行了思索,我产生了这样的想法:你能找到的机会的多少同你发现的被忽略的事情的多少是相应的。
- Packrat parsing requires storage proportional to the total input size rather than the depth of the parse tree as with lr parsers .
- packratparsing需要的存储空间与总的输入文件的大小成正比,而不是lr解析器的与解析树的深度成正比。
- Conversely kremer also states that technological growth should be proportional to population size .
- 相对地,kremer也提出,技术的进步应当同人口规模成比例。
- The intensity of your mood swing seems proportional to time spent on the planet .
- 你情绪低落的程度似乎跟你在那星球上待的时间成比例.
- Strange view : cpa is great for advertisers because ad costs are directly proportional to action / acquisition conversion rates .
- strange观点:按销售付费广告对于广告主来说非常好,因为他们花费的广告费用将按照一定的转化率比例直接带来销售收入。
- You might want to give each instance memory proportional to its expected workload or database size .
- 可能需要为每个实例提供与预期的工作负荷或数据库大小成正比的内存。