push through
1. 挤过
2. 促成
3. 挤过去
2. 促成
3. 挤过去
- Moreover solvent countries need a breathing-space to push through reforms .
- 此外,有偿债能力的国家需要一个喘息的空间来完成改革。
- He will push through more labour reform with or without union consent .
- 无论工会同意与否,他将促成更多的人事改革。
- That would stiffen the resolve of other rescued countries as they push through unpopular measures .
- 同时这样做也会坚定其他受救助国家,推行那些不太受欢迎措施的决心。
- The first way you can push through the muck is to use your goals as leverage .
- 推动自己做无聊事情的第一种方法就是以自己的目标为动力。
- It would push through fiscal and structural reforms then take the country to elections .
- 这将会推进财政与结构改革,然后将国家带进选举程序。
- The 2008 crash allowed detroit to push through changes that had long been blocked by unions and timid management .
- 2008年的经济衰退使底特律得以推动长期以来由于工会和胆小的管理人的原因停止下来的改革。
- And the private sector may find it hard to push through another tough round of pay restraint .
- 私营部门也可能会发现很难再推行新一轮的限薪计划。
- Not only must it fight central government but also market pressure to push through conversions .
- 它面对的不光是中央政府,还有市场方面希望推进该计划的压力。
- Governments can use outside financial pressure as an excuse to push through reforms that might otherwise be politically unacceptable .
- 政府可以以外部压力为借口,通过那些原本在政治上不可接受的改革。
- If the for thais party wins it could potentially push through an amnesty law enabling mr. thaksin to return to thailand .
- 如果forthaisparty获胜,有可能力促通过一项大赦法,使他信能够回到泰国。