put to
1. 使用
2. 处死/使睡/使感到羞愧/用
3. 靠岸
2. 处死/使睡/使感到羞愧/用
3. 靠岸
- They have been imprisoned and sometimes even put to death .
- 这些人被监禁,有时甚至被处死。
- Voters should not have to rely on media accounts to understand what takes place when a man is put to death .
- 选民不应该必须依赖媒体的描述,来理解当一个人被处死时,会发生什么。
- That belief will soon be put to the test .
- 这一观念将很快被投入试验检验。
- Her conscience has been sorely put to the test since 1997 .
- 她的良心自1997年起受到了严峻的考验。
- If any one is committing a robbery and is caught then he shall be put to death .
- 如果任何人成了抢劫者并且被人抓住,则他将被处以死刑。
- Innovation is invention put to use .
- 创新是把发明派上用场。
- Around $ 1 trillion of uninvested capital could be put to work .
- 大约还有10000亿美元的闲置资金可以投入到运作之中。
- Even if it is put to a vote it will come into force when 12 of the euro zone 's 17 approve it .
- 就算是把这个条约付诸公决,它也可以在得到欧元区17国中12个的批准后生效。
- Before such a suggestion can be put to a vote next march a second member of cites needs to support monaco 's proposal .
- 在明年三月将这项建议付诸表决之前,仍需要cites的另一名成员国支持摩洛哥的提议。
- The court 's judges retired at around midday to formulate a series of questions for the jury which will be put to them this morning .
- 周围已退休的法院法官们今天中午为陪审团准备了一系列问题,这些问题将在早上向他们提问。