puzzle over
1. 苦思冥想
2. 冥思苦索
2. 冥思苦索
- What do historians puzzle over ?
- 什么是历史学家苦苦思考的?
- I puzzle over the meaning of life .
- 我对于生命的意义感到困惑。
- Americans sometimes puzzle over why their government doesn 't get the chinese threat .
- 美国人有时候会感到很困惑,为什么他们的政府感受不到来自中国的威胁。
- I 'll puzzle over the problem and give you an answer tomorrow .
- 我会仔细考虑这个问题,明天给你答复。
- Historians puzzle over why for 500 years after inventing gunpowder china invented so little else .
- 在发明火药后的500年间,中国几乎没有什么新发明,历史学家对此感到困惑不解。
- Even close observers puzzle over the direction in which mr obama is taking his once bold peace initiative .
- 就连密切观察人士都在困惑,奥巴马将把他曾经的大胆的和平举措带往何方。
- Feschotte explains that other researchers might have to puzzle over fossilized bones and argue indefinitely about whether a hominid walked upright .
- feschotte解释到,其他研究人员可能在骨头化石上苦苦思索并为原始人是否能直立行走而争论不休。
- This is normal elsewhere but in mexico regulatory decisions have been suspended for years while judges puzzle over challenges by mr slim and others .
- 在别处这很正常,但在墨西哥,调控判决多年来一缓再缓,而法官们也因斯林姆先生和其他人伤透脑筋。
- This restaurant 's specialty is steamed hair-fish but foreign customers might puzzle over the english description six must occupy cooks in a covered vessel the hairtail . While steamed chicken is described as the intriguing chicken witho
- 这个餐馆的特色菜是蒸带鱼,但是外国顾客对这道菜的描述非常困惑:“厨师必须在一个盖着的容器里煮这条带鱼六个小时”,而蒸鸡的翻译更有趣“没有性生活的鸡”。
- Dimitri started to puzzle over the answers as soon as he left the courtroom . When he reached home however he realized he had nobody to help him .
- 吉米苦思冥想着答案,飞速的离开了法庭,当他回到家里后就认识到他身边根本没有可以帮他的人。