queue up
基本解释v. 排队等候
1. 排成队(等候)
2. 排队,排队等待
2. 排队,排队等待
- The authorities have already urged beijingers to queue up nicely and avoid spitting .
- 当局已敦促北京市民要有序排队,不要说脏话。
- Nowadays few of them risk their lives in rafts or rubber tyres to cross the florida straits . Instead they queue up for a visa .
- 现在,很少有人会冒着生命危险使用皮筏或橡胶轮胎穿越佛罗里达海峡;相反,他们排队申请签证。
- Some including andrew ragati a new jersey policeman queue up at the makeshift offices of fema ( the federal emergency management agency ) to file claims .
- 包括新泽西州的警察安德鲁拉格提在内的一些人甚至在联邦紧急事务管理局门口排队索赔。
- They queue up just to speak to me .
- 她们排好队只不过是来对我加以申斥。
- One would have expected then that countries would queue up to be certified eligible for a loan .
- 然后人们本来应该期望,各国将会排着队等候被确认为符合贷款条件的国家。
- Thousands of people still queue up to look at these portraits of the famous and the infamous .
- 成千上万的人现在仍然排队等待着观看这些流芳百世或遗臭万年的人物的肖像。
- During a craze for beanie babies toys a few years ago some versions were made only in small quantities which persuaded people to queue up and pay high prices for these rarities .
- 在几年前,豆豆娃娃(beaniebabies)玩具风靡一时,这期间,一些版本只是小量生产,诱使人们排队等候并为这些“珍品”付出高昂的价格。
- Passengers queue up to board a train at kievskaya metro station in moscow .
- 在莫斯科基辅地铁站,乘客排队登上一列火车。
- Please queue up behind the yellow line .
- 请在黄线后面排队。
- We should queue up in public place .
- 在公共场合我们应该排队。