rack up
1. 排放完
2. 彻底击败
3. 积累
4. 得分
5. 击倒
2. 彻底击败
3. 积累
4. 得分
5. 击倒
- Adding soy can also help you rack up protein .
- 增加大豆也能帮助你获得蛋白质。
- We use an online bill-paying service and we buy almost everything by credit card so we can rack up mileage rewards .
- 我们使用一项网络付账服务,用信用卡买几乎每件东西,因此我们可以累积里程奖励。
- Anyone taking all these flights over a year might rack up a carbon footprint totalling more than 35 tonnes .
- 一年中乘坐所有这些航班的任何人都会积累到总计超过35吨的碳足迹。
- For while europe 's leaders rail against profits and wealth its firms stride into new markets and rack up giant profits .
- 在欧洲的政治家们抱怨利润和财富的同时,他们的企业正在努力开拓新兴市场,攫取巨额利润。
- Other bills would rack up even from an amicable divorce ( of which there is no assurance ) .
- 即使这次分手不伤和气(这一点并无保证),其他各项账单也会纷至沓来。
- If you just want to rack up a bunch of short-term experiences for the fun of it then by all means feel free to dabble .
- 假如你只是因为个人兴趣而想累积一堆短期经验,那你就随便涉猎吧。
- But if your goal is to rack up big vote totals for the nba all-star game there 's another answer : be a houston rocket .
- 但是如果你的目标是在nba全明星赛投票中获得高得票数,那么还有另一个答案:成为火箭队的一员。
- In short china wants consumption to balance investment so it does not continue to rack up huge trade surpluses .
- 简言之,中国希望促进消费增长,以平衡投资,使其不再继续积聚巨额贸易顺差。
- But do put some thought into decisions that can rack up long-term results if you stick with them .
- 但要好好考虑那些只要你坚持不懈就能积累长期成果的决定。
- Rack up a bill for half a million dollars .
- 累计出一份50万美元的账单。