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rub up against


You may rub up against a lot of famous people at the party .
I 'm just something foryou to rub up against ?
For all the idiots at our school to drink beer and rub up against each other .
If you 're good at what you do and like your job everybody wants to rub up against you in some way .
Cities are machines for innovation incubators of ideas born of necessity as people from different places and social classes rub up against each other creating a space for ideas and inventions .
America and china will also rub up against each other in international forums such as the united nations the global negotiations on climate change and the various g20 summits .
As u.s. and chinese forces increasingly rub up against each other in the west pacific the u.s. says it wants to promote military ties with china to prevent a chance skirmish and for china to develop as a responsible major pow
Hong kong is where this very different system collides with the west the epicentre where the tectonic plates of china and the rest of the world rub up against each other .
Summer in england is always a pageant of class as tattooed flesh is laid bare and different social strata rub up against each other in parks but never more so than during world cups .
Mash up some and apply all over the affected area . You can also use the peel and rub its inside against your skin . Many say this plant 's high potassium content somewhat removes this skin problem .