sell up
- Many italian firms are family-owned and about as keen to sell up as their 30-year-old sons are to leave home .
- 很多意大利企业都属于家族式企业,而且他们卖掉产业的急迫心情如同自己30岁的儿子们想要离开家一样。
- Rather than chivvying them to perform better investors shrug their shoulders sell up and move on .
- 相对于督促他们更好的表现来说,更常见的是投资者耸耸肩膀,将其全部卖出,然后继续前进。
- Other rich entrepreneurs sell up and simply use their wealth for dedicated good causes .
- 还有一些富有企业家出售企业并将自己的财富投入崇高事业。
- The treasury announced that it would sell up to $ 6.9 billion of aig stock it holds .
- 美国财政部称,将出售其持有的价值69亿美元的aig股票。
- But unless basic services are radically improved the danger is that peasants will sell up and become landless .
- 但是,除非基本服务得到根本改善,否则危险将是农民出售土地使用权,变得无地可耕。
- That is a good portion but unilever and others sell up to half of their wares in developing countries .
- 这一份额很好,但是联合利华(unilever)以及其他公司在发展中国家销售了一半的产品。
- Not like that jumped-on powder they sell up in nuyorico .
- 不是波多黎各佬卖的假货。
- The government plans to sell up to 49 % of aena in a drive to reduce spain 's budget deficit .
- 为减少西班牙的预算赤字,政府计划卖掉航管局49%的股份。
- In a statement on monday mitsubishi ufj said it would issue 390 billion yen in preferred shares next month and sell up to 600 billion yen in ordinary shares over the next year .
- 三菱ufj在周一的声明中称,下个月将发行3900亿日圆的优先股,未来一年还将出售最多6000亿日圆的普通股。
- Its approval should make it easier for the government to compel landowners to sell up allowing it to build much-needed highways across the main islands of java and sumatra among other projects .
- 该法案的通过将使得政府能更容易的促使土地所有者卖掉土地,进而能够在其他项目中,修建贯通爪哇岛、苏门答腊岛间急需的高速公路。