set fire to
基本解释放火烧, 点着了…;激起;燃点
1. 纵火烧
2. 使燃烧,点燃
3. 解雇
4. 纵火
5. 点燃
6. 使燃烧
2. 使燃烧,点燃
3. 解雇
4. 纵火
5. 点燃
6. 使燃烧
- Aboriginal protesters set fire to an australian flag outside the national parliament in canberra .
- 澳大利亚土著居民抗议者在堪培拉国家议会外放火焚烧一面澳大利亚国旗。
- Three doctors were severely burned in shanxi province when a patient set fire to a hospital office .
- 在山西省,一名患者放火焚烧某医院办公室,致使三名医生被严重烧伤。
- Young looters use aerosol cans to set fire to shelves inside a retail store on tottenham high road on aug. 6 .
- 8月6日,托特纳姆大街一家零售商店里,年轻的劫掠者们使用喷雾罐在货架上放火。
- In one incident several people were killed in clashes with police during which protesters set fire to a bank in athens .
- 其中的一次事故中,抗议者向雅典市中心的一家银行放火,与警察发生冲突,导致数人死亡。
- In a west bank village near bethlehem locals say that on october 4th hard-line jewish settlers set fire to their mosque and torched copies of the koran .
- 根据当地人说法,10月4日在约坦河西岸伯利恒附近的一座小村中,强硬派的犹太教定居者向他们的清真寺放火,并焚烧了可兰经的抄本。
- In kaduna they set fire to the house of namadi sambo the vice-president .
- 在卡杜纳,他们也纵火烧了副总统纳马迪桑博的房子。
- Han witnesses said groups of uighurs attacked hans set fire to buses and cars and smashed shop windows .
- 汉族目击者说,成群结队的维吾尔人攻击汉族人,纵火烧毁公交车和轿车,还打碎商店橱窗。
- This is because there were and continue to be plenty of violations to police : on tuesday a disgruntled worker set fire to a clothing factory in southern china causing the deaths of 14 colleagues .
- 这是因为,社会治安案件无论在过去还是现在都层出不穷上周二,一名心怀不满的员工纵火焚烧中国南方一家服装厂,导致14名工友死亡。
- She intends to set fire to it and find out what happens .
- 她计划纵火点燃雨林,然后查明其后果会怎样。
- Why would I set fire to my house ?
- 我有什么理由烧了我自己的房子啊?