set on foot
1. 开始,发动
2. 发动
2. 发动
- Mr field set on foot the enterprise of connecting europe and america by a submarine telegraph .
- 费尔德先生创立了用海底电报连接欧美两洲的事业。
- An enquiry will be set on foot to find out the cause of the accident .
- 为了找出这一起事件发生的原因,即将开始进行调查。
- I 'm glad that business has been set off on the right foot .
- 我很高兴生意从一开始就一直进行得很顺利。
- She left her cleaning-woman maryann in charge of the house and set out on foot one evening .
- 一天傍晚她把家留给清洁女工玛丽安照管,便徒步出发了。
- Run on foot by mistake the full set is all lost .
- 一步走错,满盘皆输。
- He usually set out for work on foot each morning from his modest one story 19th century residence on dzerzhinsky street .
- 他总是每天早上从捷尔任斯基大街上他的简陋的十九世纪的平房走出,步行去上班。
- Emmie slattery will never set her foot on a single bit of flooring mother ever walked on !
- 埃米斯莱特里永远也休想踏上任何一小块母亲曾经走动过的地方!
- It is certain that he set his foot on the road to fame when he arrived in london .
- 人们确信,他自来到伦敦就迈上了成名之路。
- At this unexpected stroke of success susan nipper dismounted from the coach with all speed took walter 's arm and set off at a breathless pace on foot ; leaving the coach there to await their return .
- 苏珊看到这意想不到的成功,急忙下了马车,挽着沃尔特的胳膊立刻就走,让马车停在那里等待他们回来。
- On these few steps of his dangerous way charles darnay had set his foot according to doctor manette 's reiterated instructions .
- 查尔斯达尔内按照曼内特医生一再嘱咐的路子踩着这危险路上的每一步。