shoulder to shoulder
1. 肩并肩,团结一致
2. 齐头并进
3. 肩并肩地,齐心协力地
4. 肩对肩
5. 齐心协力地
2. 齐头并进
3. 肩并肩地,齐心协力地
4. 肩对肩
5. 齐心协力地
- Tall and good-looking he really could stand shoulder to shoulder with clinton and bush .
- 他高大英俊,的确堪与克林顿和布什比肩。
- Mr obama delivered on all counts saying india had arrived as a global power that could stand shoulder to shoulder with the us .
- 奥巴马满足了印方所有的预期,称印度已经成为能够与美国“肩并肩”的全球大国。
- As for the controversial meeting with george bush at crawford texas in april 2002 mr blair said he had been determined to stand shoulder to shoulder with america but had made no covert deal that committed his count
- 问及2002年4月22日在德克萨斯州克劳福德农场与乔治布什的争议会晤,布莱尔称他当时已经决定同美国“并肩作战”,但从未做出过任何秘密协议而将英国推向战争。
- I 'm hoping the obama administration will make clear that americans stand shoulder to shoulder with heroines like mukhtar and assiya and with an emerging civil society struggling for law and social justice .
- 我希望奥巴马政府表明清晰的立场,美国人民与mukhtar和阿西娅这样的巾帼英雄肩并肩,并推动一个为法治和社会公平而斗争的文明社会。
- Working-class people need a party to stand shoulder to shoulder with them .
- 工人阶级需要一个和他们齐心协力的党。
- But it was when she was in tahrir square standing shoulder to shoulder with a poor uneducated woman that she realised she was part of something bigger .
- 但就在她与一个贫穷的没有受过教育的妇女肩并肩站在解放广场时,她意识到应该做更多的事。
- We do this one thing where you line people up shoulder to shoulder to show how the confederates moved across a mile-long field to attack the union line .
- 在你们集合军队来显示南部联盟如何穿越一个几英里的土地来攻击联邦军队的地方,我们只做了一件事。
- Today in afghanistan we stand shoulder to shoulder again alongside our many partners and alongside the afghans themselves .
- 今天,在阿富汗我们再次携手,和我们的伙伴们一起,和阿富汗人民一起。
- Protests continued outside the embassy on sunday but riot police stood shoulder to shoulder outside the embassy 's gates to stop demonstrators from approaching .
- 周日抗议者继续聚集在日本驻华使馆门外,但相互紧挨的防暴警察站在使馆门外以阻止抗议者靠近。
- The strange-looking white-skinned creature witnessed two mysterious hairy monsters sitting shoulder to shoulder to keep warm .
- 那个怪模怪样的白皮肤生物目睹了两个神秘的多毛怪兽肩并肩地坐在一起取暖。