smooth down
1. 弄平,使平静
2. 弄光,使平滑
2. 弄光,使平滑
- The publicity manager tried to smooth down the scandal .
- 宣传部长试图平息丑闻。
- Fabric recommendations : is low-key luxury thick silk satin delicate lace of flowers and soft flowing chiffon silk satin smooth so smooth down
- 面料建议:低调的华丽厚密的丝绸、绸缎,精致的花朵形状蕾丝和轻柔流滑的雪纺,丝绸缎光滑,如此光滑。
- As if suddenly melting the countless leaping golden eyes smooth themselves down into a great dull green face .
- 像忽然熔化了似的;海的无数跳跃着的金眼睛摊平为暗绿的大面孔。
- He must also name a prime minister from his presidential staff smooth down france 's allies at a nato summit in chicago over plans to withdraw french combat troops from afghanistan by the end of 2012 and secure a majority in parlia
- 他还必须从总统团队中任命一位总理,在芝加哥北约峰会上以法国在2012年底前从阿富汗撤军计划安抚法国盟友,并确保在6月10日和17日的议会选举中获得多数席位。
- It is not all smooth nor all down hill .
- 不是一片光滑的平原。
- Father lost his bad temper and we could not smooth him down .
- 父亲大发脾气,我们无法让他安静。
- Man without a smiling face closed up shop will smooth things over from the down .
- 人无笑脸休开店,会打圆场自落台。
- Nice and smooth so we can get the camera movement down .
- 老练些,那么我们可以搞定这个录像了。
- I went for the third time into the sea the sand was smooth and firm and shelved gradually down .
- 这是我第三次进入大海,脚底下的沙子平滑坚实,逐渐的倾斜下去。
- If he really cared about her perhaps she could smooth him down . But his black eyes raked her in no lover-like way and he was laughing softly .
- 要是他真正有意于她,或许她还能使他温驯下来,可是他的黑眼睛紧盯她时不是用一种怜爱神态,而是在轻轻地嘻笑呢。