sniff out
1. 嗅出
2. 查出
3. 闻到
4. 察觉到
2. 查出
3. 闻到
4. 察觉到
- They are training these dogs to sniff out drugs .
- 他们训练狗嗅出毒品来。
- That means people are able to sniff out suitable mhc genomes in prospective partners .
- 这意味着人们可以从可能的伴侣中闻出适合的mhc基因组。
- A highly motivated visitor will sniff out even the poorest of all call-to-action buttons .
- 一个积极性很高的访客会找到即使是做得最差劲的呼唤行动按钮。
- So women will sniff out a man who can provide her future babies with genetic benefits .
- 因此女性会用她们的嗅觉来寻找可以给她未来的宝宝提供优秀基因的男人。
- Today 's policymakers see such a regulator which would monitor the health of the financial system and sniff out incipient problems as an important improvement .
- 如今制定政策的人认为设置这样的调控者是一大进步,其负责监管金融系统的状况并及时发现问题。
- They also make ideal guide dogs and work with police to sniff out explosives or drugs .
- 们也是理想的导盲犬,还可跟警方合作嗅出爆裂物或毒品。
- All police dogs have been trained to sniff out drugs and explosives .
- 所有警犭都已接受训练,能嗅出哪里有毒品或爆裂物。
- Male black widow spiders can sniff out a well-fed female simply by walking on her web according to researchers .
- 研究人员称,雄性黑寡妇蜘蛛只需行走在雌性黑寡妇织的网上就能嗅出其是否吃饱。
- And the noses don 't just analyze breath . Some can also sniff out infections in urine blood and other bodily fluids .
- 电子鼻不仅会分析呼出的气息,有些电子鼻还可以嗅出尿液、血液以及其他体液中遭受感染的情况。
- Sniff out who they are and axe them .
- 找出他们是谁,然后裁掉。