specialize in
1. 专攻,专门研究
2. 专门从事
3. 专营
4. 专长
5. 专门经营
2. 专门从事
3. 专营
4. 专长
5. 专门经营
- They often specialize in a particular field such as diabetes or asthma .
- 他们通常专攻一个领域,例如:糖尿病或哮喘。
- There are also websites that specialize in reviewing new apps .
- 还有些网站是专门评论最新的apps。
- Start-up costs are lower because each business can specialize in just one narrow segment .
- 启动成本较低,因为每个企业都可以只专门从事一个很窄的领域。
- I tried two that specialize in photographs and movies and found both delightful .
- 我试过两家照片和电影转换专营店结果都很令人满意。
- Faculty members almost universally specialize in one functional area and typically lack the expertise to teach ( or sometimes even to cross-reference ) material from others .
- 大学教员几乎普遍都擅长于一个功能领域,而且特别缺少教授(或者说跨学科引用)其他领域的的技能。
- These predators specialize in hunting other spiders and use different techniques depending on their prey .
- 这些掠食者专门猎食其他蜘蛛,并且根据猎物的不同捕猎技术也不一样。
- Murphy heads the center for robot-assisted search and rescue where she commands an arsenal of unmanned craft that specialize in emergency response .
- 墨菲主管机器人协助搜救中心,在这里她还指挥大量的专门用作突发事件响应的无人驾驶飞行器。
- Laurel delaney runs globetrade.com and laureldelaney.com chicago firms that specialize in international entrepreneurship .
- laureldelaney管理着globetrade.com和laureldelaney.com两个网站专攻于国际企业家研究。
- Most specialize in ecommerce scams and malware attacks on businesses .
- 他们中的大多数专门研究电子商务诈骗和商业上的恶意软件攻击。
- Our team of creative strategists designers and engineers specialize in new market-disrupting products that have maximum impact in the marketplace .
- 我们的团队拥有创意非凡的战略者、设计师和工程师,专攻具有最大影响力并扰乱市场的新兴产品。