stand in
1. 驶近,参加
2. 替身演员
3. 在拍摄前对光调整镜头的演员替身
2. 替身演员
3. 在拍摄前对光调整镜头的演员替身
- My father ordered us to stand in a straight line .
- 父亲命令我们站成一条直线。
- Your descendants however now stand in the new camp .
- 但你的后代们现在站在新的阵营里面。
- Inside them pigs are packed so tightly that they cannot turn and literally stand in their own waste .
- 在这些设施内部,猪们紧紧地挤在一起,以致不能转身,而且简直就站在自己的排泄物上。
- And how do matters stand in china ?
- 在中国光靠这点怎么会起作用呢?
- She and I decided awhile ago that we wanted the proposal to be a surprise so I assembled a lego ring and box to stand in for the real thing .
- 我们在不久前决定我们希望我们的求婚是一个惊喜,所以我组装了一个lego戒指和戒指盒来代替真的钻石戒指。
- Inside : stand in a doorway or crouch under a desk or table away from windows or glass dividers .
- 若在室内:站在走廊,或蹲到桌下,远离窗户或其他玻璃分隔物。
- From that day forward whenever I asked the children to line up for tumbling megan ran to stand in the front .
- 自打那天起,我一让孩子们排队准备翻筋斗,她就跑来站在队伍的最前列。
- One day you will stand in the full light of eternity and view the big picture .
- 有一天你将站会来世的全光前和看到一幅大画面。
- And he played the entire postseason with a determination and will that no obstacle no defense or no opposing player would stand in his way .
- 在整个季后赛中,詹姆斯带着一种决心和毅力战斗没有障碍、没有防御和任何一根球员能够阻挡他的路。
- Washington would probably not stand in his way .
- 华盛顿方面大概不会阻挠他这么做。