stay up
基本解释悬在原位上;不睡觉; 熬夜;不掉
1. 挺住,坚持不睡觉
2. 挺住,熬夜
3. 熬夜,不睡觉
4. 不睡,熬夜
5. 不睡觉,熬夜
2. 挺住,熬夜
3. 熬夜,不睡觉
4. 不睡,熬夜
5. 不睡觉,熬夜
- I can barely stay up to a normal adult hour as it is .
- 我几乎不能像正常成年人那样熬夜。
- But I think if we stay up here we should be okay .
- 但是我想只要我们不在这睡觉,我们会没事的。
- Artists sometimes dress funny and tend to stay up late .
- 艺术节们有时候穿着可笑,经常睡懒觉。
- You stay up here and cry .
- 你就好好呆在这儿伤心吧。
- You don 't have to stay up all night waiting for a breakthrough ( or a breakdown ) to know your project goals .
- 你不必为获悉计划目标而熬一整夜,以求得一个突破性进展(或者一个统计分析)。
- I feel it 's quite common for people to stay up very late in hong kong .
- 我觉得,在香港,人们熬夜的现象很普遍。
- She seemed barely to sleep . She would stay up typing and correcting barry 's homework then get up again before dawn .
- 她似乎不怎么睡觉,总是熬夜打字或是更正巴里的作业,然后天不亮就又起床了。
- Prof foster welcomed the school 's decision to pilot the scheme but warned parents to ensure that their children did not use the extra time to stay up later .
- 福斯特教授对该校制定的计划表示欢迎,同时,他警告家长,要确保他们的孩子不会利用额外的时间熬夜。
- According to a new survey conducted by carr-gregg 40 per cent of children with mobile phones are sleepdeprived on school nights as peer pressure has made it normal for children of 6 and 7 to stay up until the early hours texting fri
- carr-gregg进行的一项新的调查表明,在拥有移动电话的儿童里有40%在有课上的日子里是睡眠不足的,因为同龄人的压力已经让6到7岁的儿童熬夜和朋友发短信变成了家常便饭。
- The child can 't make his trousers stay up .
- 那个小男孩爬上树后,弄得下也下不来了。