step up
1. 使增加,使加快
2. 加速,增加
3. 加速
4. 上步
5. 加紧
6. 升压
7. 逐步增加
8. 提升
2. 加速,增加
3. 加速
4. 上步
5. 加紧
6. 升压
7. 逐步增加
8. 提升
- China 's civil affairs ministry has ordered local governments to step up welfare payments to ensure the poor can afford food .
- 中国民政部已要求地方政府增加福利支出,确保穷人能够承受食品开支。
- It plans to step up its protests .
- 他们计划加紧他们的抗议活动。
- American police will step up training and vetting of their counterparts .
- 美国警方将加快对墨西哥警察的核查和培训。
- Government reforms to gas pricing models for exploration and production companies have encouraged them to step up their activities .
- 政府对勘探及生产企业天然气定价模式的改革,鼓励了这些企业加紧勘探及生产活动。
- Both the fed 's move and the bank of japan 's decision yesterday to step up its asset buying programme have been supportive .
- 美联储的举措和日本央行(bankofjapan)上周做出的增加资产购买规模的决定,都为股市提供了支撑。
- There 's also a terrific user community ready to step up and help troubleshoot issues .
- 同时还有一个很好的用户社区随时加强和帮助解决问题。
- Mr cook has already said apple is considering whether it can step up its existing efforts to distribute money via dividends and share buybacks .
- 库克先生也已经说,苹果正在考虑其是否通过股息和股票回购的方式,加强现有发放现金的努力。
- Secret diplomatic cables obtained by wikileaks document how the state department pressed saudi arabia to step up its oil exports to china in a bid to weaken rival iran 's foreign oil sales and tehran 's sway over beijing .
- 维基解密文件显示美国国务院如何通过秘密外交向沙特施压,以加强对中国的石油出口,而削弱其竞争对手伊朗的对外石油销售以及减弱德黑兰对北京的重要性。
- Most assume he does not want to step up until elections in 2014 .
- 大多数人认为在2014年选举前他不想站出来。