stock up
- Its profit of $ 279 million or 36 cents a share beat wall street estimates by 2 cents which at first sent the stock up rapidly .
- 它的利润达到2.79亿美元,或者每股36美分,比华尔街估算的高出2美分,华尔街的估算最先使它的股票增长。
- They cross the frontier to stock up on guns and liquor .
- 他们穿越边境来囤积枪和酒。
- I was always glad when I saw the sign for a pharmacy because I could stock up on cough syrup .
- 当我看到药房的牌子时总是很高兴,因为我可以补充感冒药的储备了。
- Yesterday however there is an interesting phenomenon can benefit from good bank to cut interest rates and two plates of the real estate market has led which did not have the foresight to stock up .
- 但是昨天有一个有趣的现象,能受益于降息利好的银行和地产两大板块却在领跌大盘,这些股票并未先知先觉地上涨。
- Once facebook is public he says investors could bid the stock up to around 30 times its projected 2013 cash flow level or $ 125 billion .
- 他说,一旦facebook上市,投资者可能就会捧高它的股价,使其市值达到2013年预期现金流的30倍左右,也就是1250亿美元。
- E-mails and text messages have gone out to british citizens warning them to stay indoors and to stock up on food and water .
- 在也大不列颠公民已经收到警告他们在家里呆着、囤积事物和饮用水的电子邮件和短信。
- When he dies there will be no outbreak of violence - and no reason to take the next plane to london or stock up on emergency supplies of canned food .
- 当他离去的时候,也将不会有暴力爆发,所以也没有理由乘下班飞机逃到伦敦或者库存罐头食品作为应急物品。
- News of the berkshire deal pushed bofa 's stock up on thursday .
- 周四,伯克希尔-哈撒韦投资的消息推动美银股价上涨。
- You stock up on fresh veggies on sunday for your week of healthy eating .
- 为了健康饮食,在星期天储存上够一周吃的蔬菜。
- Stock up when the price is right !
- 当股票价格上升是正确的!