take delight in
基本解释v. 乐于
1. 以。。。为乐
2. 爱好
2. 爱好
- Does she take delight in swimming in a river ?
- 她喜欢在河里游泳吗?
- Once deferential chinese officials now take delight in lambasting the mistakes of their us counterparts .
- 曾经恭敬的中国官员现在对痛批美国同行的错误而津津乐道。
- He was fond of society and good living and his insatiable curiosity led him to take delight in intercourse with all sorts of people .
- 他热爱社交、讲究生活,极富好奇心的他喜欢与各色人等交往。
- Some teachers always set difficult and strange questions to give students a hard time . There are also such people in life who take delight in making things difficult for others .
- 有的老师出题考试,总喜欢出怪题,难题,好像和学生过不去一样。生活中这样的人也不少,总喜欢跟人出点难题。
- People still take delight in talking about the legendary story .
- 那个传奇般的故事至今为人津津乐道。
- American new economy is everybody all the time take delight in talking about but rising backside inevitable under cover ebbs .
- 美国新经济一直为大家津津乐道但高涨的背后必然隐藏着衰退。
- Deluo annigeni is opposite italian painter skin all the time this thing take delight in talking about : when the atelier that decides my hire when my house-owner sells I am very disappointed but I forged a plan .
- 意大利画家皮得罗安尼戈尼一直对这件事津津乐道:当我的房主决定把我租用的画室卖掉时,我很失望,但我想出了一个主意。
- You take delight in vexing me .
- 你把我的痛苦当作你的快乐.
- They ask me for righteous judgments ; they take delight in approaching god .
- 他们向我求问公义的判语,喜爱亲近神。
- Those who take delight in other people 's pain will suffer retribution sooner or later .
- 把快活树立在别人痛苦之上的人迟早要受到报应的。