take refuge
- Cuilapa guatemala : people take refuge in a makeshift shelter after four earthquakes struck the south-eastern part of the country
- 危地马拉,奎拉帕:在国家东南地区历经四次地震打击之后,人们在一个临时的避难所避难。
- Blessed are all who take refuge in him .
- 凡投靠他的、都是有福的。
- Preserve me o god for I take refuge in you .
- 神阿,求你保守我,因为我投奔于你。
- It is a classic sanctuary in which the rationalist fancy may take refuge .
- 这是一所古雅的圣殿,理性主义者可以躲在其中。
- By shining a spotlight on public companies they are encouraging businesses to take refuge in the shade of the private sector .
- 对公众公司事无巨细大肆检查只会鼓励公司躲避到私人企业的阴影之中。
- Hundreds of people were evacuated from its two 200-metre sections in the space of 20 minutes to take refuge in a central service tunnel .
- 数百人在20分钟内从200米长的车厢中疏散出来,避难到隧道的一个中央服务站。
- Keep me safe o god for in you I take refuge .
- 神阿,求你保佑我,因为我投靠你。
- Show the wonder of your great love you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes .
- 求你显出你奇妙的慈爱来;你是那用右手拯救投靠你的脱离起来攻击他们的人。
- Wondrously show your lovingkindness o savior of those who take refuge at your right hand from those who rise up against them .
- 求你显出你奇妙的慈爱来,你是那右手拯救投靠你的,脱离起来攻击他们的人。
- That was a reference to previous afghan complaints that pakistan has allowed terrorists to take refuge in the mountainous border region .
- 这是指阿富汗前一段时间抱怨的巴基斯坦允许恐怖分子在多山的边境地区避难。