tie down
1. 拘束
2. 系紧联结线下垂
3. 拴住
4. 栓系
5. 约束
6. 系紧
2. 系紧联结线下垂
3. 拴住
4. 栓系
5. 约束
6. 系紧
- One officer had to tie down the left leg another one the right leg and so on but I was the only one to execute the condemned .
- 一个人负责绑住左腿,另一个人负责右腿,以此类推,但我是惟一负责处决死刑犯的人。
- Arsenal are keen to tie down wenger to a new long-term deal as he has just over 12 months to run on his current contract .
- 在他当前的合同仅仅剩下12个月的时候,阿森纳非常迫切地想用一份长期合同来锁定温格。
- Remove the thought with integrated global politics military affairs to tie down .
- 解除全球政治军事一体化的思想羁绊。
- When spiders unite they can tie down a lion .
- 蜘蛛团结起来可以放倒一头狮子。
- Meanwhile also strictly control slow moving inventory to minimize tie down funds .
- 同时也要严格控制物资积压,尽量减少资金占用。
- In rich countries that threatens to tie down companies and give ailing housing markets a kicking .
- 在发达国家,这可能会拖累公司业绩,并对已经轰然倒地的房地产市场再补上一脚。
- The blues are keen to tie down their star midfielder to a new long-term contract to ward off potential suitors of the england international .
- 蓝军希望用一份新的长期合同留住他们的明星中场,并避免那些对这位英格兰国脚有所觊觎的追求者。
- Stay below the earth 's surface lie low and tie down everything you wish to find when it 's over .
- 要呆在地表下面,躺低些;当结束的时候,在你希望找到的一切东西上躺着。
- But this move by our 4th column will directly menace the northwestern and northern suburbs of peiping and tie down those enemy forces so that they dare not move .
- 但四纵此举直接威胁北平西北郊和北郊,可以钳制这些敌人不敢动。
- When managing a semi-professional club it 's a good idea to try and tie down key players to full-time contracts to maximise their training time .
- 当执教半职业俱乐部时,把球员合同签成全职合同以增加训练,会是一个好主意。