to a man
基本解释所有人, 毫无例外
- To a man this is a sign of weakness .
- 如果换成是男人,这样做就是示弱。
- How our culture defines success is important to a man so he assumes it 's important to his partner .
- 我们的文化给成功的界定对男人产生了很大影响,甚至于他会推定这对他的伴侣也十分重要。
- It is gratifying to be irreplaceable but it should also be worrying even to a man whose mother is still alive at 102 .
- 不可替代虽然让人很有满足感,但也应该令人担心,即便默多克的母亲102岁了仍然健在。
- To a man they proclaim their differences from al-qaeda insisting that from the first they have waged a local struggle against a tyrannical ruler not a global struggle targeting the west .
- 所有人都声明自己与基地组织不同,坚称他们从一开始便是在进行一个反对专制独裁者的内部斗争,而不是针对西方的全球斗争。
- Heck plenty of americans can relate to a man who has wrestled with extra rolls .
- 真见鬼,大量的美国人能理解一位从extrarolls奋斗过来的男人。
- She remarried to a man named mark waldman .
- 她和一个叫马克霍特曼的人再婚了。
- I-in the woods handcuffed to a man ?
- 在森林里,被铐在另一个人身上?
- Mr. mosier also tracked what happened to the cash finding that most of it went to mr. pang personally but $ 1.7 million was paid to a man alleged to be mr. pang 's bookie $ 1.8 million to mr. pang 's wife and
- 莫斯尔还跟踪了这些现金的去向,发现大部分都流入到彭日成个人的腰包,但170万美元支付给了他的一位博彩经纪人,180万美元给了他的妻子,还有几十万美元给了其它亲友。
- Have you never lied to a man you 've loved ?
- 你从来没有对你爱的男人撒过慌吗?
- The vote hands the presidency to a man from a different generation and seen as a relative liberal among senior kremlin officials .
- 此次选举将总统职位交给了来自一个不同时代、且被视为克里姆林宫(kremlin)高层中相对持自由主义观点的人物。