to and fro
基本解释adv. 来回地,往复地
1. 走来走去
2. 到处
3. 来来往往
4. 来回地,往复地
5. 来来回回
6. 往来
2. 到处
3. 来来往往
4. 来回地,往复地
5. 来来回回
6. 往来
- They nodded their heads and swung their arms and bodies to and fro all in perfect unison .
- 它们点头晃脑,手臂身体来回摆动,全体动作非常一致。
- He leaned with one shoulder against a high board-fence and swayed the other to and fro the while kicking carelessly at the gravel .
- 他漫不经心地踢着石子,一个肩靠在高大的木栅栏上,另一个肩晃来晃去。
- Cause this fine laddie is a wild sort of guy when he 's all busy dancing to and fro !
- 因为当他忙着跳舞时,这个美人可是很狂野
- Semi-needle embroidery like and definitely not rocking to and fro because the time to embroider well is a vast .
- 绣半针就好了,绝对不会摇来摇去的,因为到时候绣好了,是一大片的。
- I guessed vaguely from my mother 's signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen .
- 母亲给我打着手势,人们在屋里匆匆地走来走去,我模模糊糊地预感到一件不寻常的事就要发生了。
- The woman dropped her alpenstock on the rock and walked nervously to and fro clasping and unclasping her hands .
- 女人把她的带铁头的登山杖靠在岩石上,紧张地来回走动着,她的双手一会儿紧握一会儿又松开。
- The room thrummed with the activity of packets fluttering to and fro like little digital moths around a digital streetlight .
- 房间里的活动数据包来回地跳跃着,就像围绕着数字路灯的数字飞蛾。
- These are found on the surface of many of the body 's cells and sway to and fro in moving fluid .
- 这些是在体细胞表面发现的,并随着液体的流动而来回摇荡。
- In dayton and everywhere else he was a hard taskmaster but this was no more than he demanded of himself : shuttling to and fro between continents staying up sleepless to read a book or to watch there 's something about mary
- 在代顿以及其他任何地方,他都是一名很难相处的领导,但是这仅仅是他对自己的要求:来回的在各大洲之间穿梭,熬夜不停地看一本书或者看第五遍我为玛丽狂。
- He is walking to and fro in the room .
- 他在房间内踱来踱去。