to little purpose
基本解释几乎徒劳地, 毫无成效地
- Abroad america has spent vast amounts of blood and treasure to little purpose .
- 在国外,美国漫无目的地花费了巨大的血汗和财富。
- We spoke to little purpose . Her mind was clearly made up already .
- 我们说话没有什么作用。她显然已经拿定了主意。
- Radio 4 had a lot of decent actors breathing excitedly and chanting pharaonic hymns at very opportunity and to little purpose .
- 无线电四台有许多像样的演员利用一切机会兴奋地低吟和歌唱法老赞歌,但效果不大。
- They talked long and to little purpose in conclusion agreeing to wait an indeterminate time without doing anything .
- 两人谈了很久,也没谈出个结果,最后双方同意作无限期的等待,暂不行动。
- Several mothers complained that the play equipment in the park was not safe for their children but their complaints were to little purpose .
- 几个母亲投诉说公园里的游乐设施对她们的孩子不安全,可是她们的投诉没有起到什么作用。
- How could so much brick have been put to so little aesthetic purpose ?
- 这么多砖头怎么会被用来建造如此不雅的建筑呢?
- But compared to other countries japan has little extreme poverty and a greater sense of common purpose .
- 但与其它国家相比,日本人鲜有极端贫困者,也因此更加心齐。
- May god continue to bless you with all those annoying little things and may you remember their possible purpose .
- 那些令人懊恼的小事发生的时候,或许正是上帝一直在保佑你呢,不要忘记他真正的目的喔!
- Without method little can be done to any good purpose .
- 不讲究方法,办事就没有成效。
- So little purpose ? They were helping to light the ship 's way .
- 如此小的东西?他们能帮船照亮航路.