ups and downs
基本解释n. 盛衰,沉浮;起伏
1. 盛衰,浮沉
2. (生活)沉浮
3. 大起大落
4. 有喜有悲
5. 断断续续
6. 起起伏伏,成功和失败
7. 兴衰
2. (生活)沉浮
3. 大起大落
4. 有喜有悲
5. 断断续续
6. 起起伏伏,成功和失败
7. 兴衰
- Economies have their ups and downs look at dubai .
- 经济体有自身的起伏这一点不妨看一看迪拜。
- Spontaneously by sharing some of the ups and downs . Without emphasizing any specific aspect .
- 不由自主地分享一些盛衰沉浮不拘泥于任何其他的东西.
- Natural ups and downs that appear in climate data make detecting long-term trends challenging .
- 从气候数据中显示的自然的盛衰发现有长期的趋势挑战。
- Capital markets are imperfect they observe and households are unable to insure themselves against all of life 's ups and downs .
- 在他们看来,资本市场是不完美的,单个家庭自身无力保证能够有效应对生命中的大起大落。
- Mo yan 's literature was not smooth sailing and was filled with ups and downs and twists and turns .
- 莫言的文学道路并不一帆风顺,而是充满了坎坷和曲折。
- Nasdaq attracts people with its ups and downs .
- 股市起起伏伏,纳斯达克吸引无数投资者。
- Sure we had our ups and downs over the years but overall it was great .
- 没错,我们这些年的感情是有些起伏,但是总的来说是非常好的。
- Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe .
- 与每个人都经历的正常的心理起伏不同,双相情感障碍的症状更严重。
- More big long-term defence contracts would provide a useful stabiliser against the ups and downs of the civil-aircraft market .
- 更多大型、长期的国防合同相比于民用飞机市场的跌宕起伏就像一颗有效的定心丸。
- While latin americans have been fixated on the ups and downs of their football teams in south africa financial analysts point to a more impressive set of indicators that should capture the world 's attention .
- 当拉丁美洲的人们沉醉于自己球队在南非世界杯上的沉浮之际,金融分析师指向了一组更令人印象深刻的指标,它们应该会引起全世界的关注。