verge on
基本解释v. 接近于,接近,近乎
1. 接近 濒临
2. 濒临
2. 濒临
- At times in the first three months of 1920 he did seem to verge on mental instability if not insanity .
- 在1920年前三个月,即使不是精神错乱,他有时也确实似乎接近了心理不稳定的边缘。
- The resulting products to its fans verge on perfection .
- 对苹果的拥护者而言,苹果的产品近乎完美。
- Be almost the same as sth ; verge on sth.
- 几乎与某事物相同;在某事物的边缘。
- Come near or verge on resemble come nearer in quality or character .
- 与……接近或者近乎,象,在品质上或者性格上接近。
- The big banks still verge on insolvency and they still aren 't lending .
- 大银行仍然徘徊在破产的边缘,他们也不贷款。
- See I was on the verge of breaking on .
- 看哪!我曾处在崩溃的边缘。
- The resulting products to its fans verge on perfection . But there are clearly some steps in the manufacturing process that it does not supervise so closely .
- 对其粉丝来说,这样的产品近乎完美,但是生产制造过程却明显存在缺乏近距离监管的环节。
- They are very independent and have plenty of self-confidence which can sometimes verge on dominance .
- 他们是很独立,有充分的自信,可有时濒临对主导权。
- Strangest of all sinn fein has become part of a governing coalition in northern ireland that is so stable as to verge on the boring .
- 最奇怪的是,新芬党成为了北爱尔兰统治联盟的一员,并且及其安分守己。
- America was on the verge of a technical default on its sovereign debt .
- 而美国的主权债务正处在一场技术违约的边缘。