walk away from
1. 离开
2. 旁边走开
2. 旁边走开
- When users walk away from the pc they simply hit the button to quickly drop the pc into a low-power mode .
- 当用户离开pc的时候他们简单地点击一下这个按钮,就可以迅速让pc进入低能耗模式。
- And walk away from your friend strongly and congruently as if you have the most important thing in the world to do .
- 然后坚定地从你朋友身边离开,就像你有世界上最重要的事情要去做一样。
- It is not easy to walk away from such bargains . Especially when the stall holder will not let go of your coat .
- 这些特价品好得让人不舍得错过,尤其当摊主总会拽着你的大衣不让你离开的时候。
- In extremis tata could walk away from its costly acquisition .
- 万不得已时,tata公司可以放弃这个昂贵的收购而不遭受损失。
- In doing so we walk away from numerous opportunities and positive experiences .
- 这样做的同时,我们远离了大量的机遇和积极的经验。
- Walk away from a stupid conflict instead of making it worse .
- 在把一个愚蠢的冲突变得更糟之前走开。
- We 're gonna walk away from here nice and quiet like nothing 's happening .
- 我们安静地走出去,装做没发生什么。
- The position is reminiscent of his threat to walk away from the london summit in april unless the g20 agreed to a clampdown on tax havens .
- 他在此事上的立场令人想起今年4月之时,他曾威胁退出伦敦峰会,除非g20成员国同意打击避税天堂。
- The wall streeters can apparently walk away from both the flaming wreckage of their storied firms and the smoking remains of the national economy .
- 很明显,华尔街的大佬们依然可以从那些历史悠久的公司燃烧的残骸中,从国民经济冒烟的废墟中全身而退。
- You gonna walk away from me ?
- 你就这么走了吗?