wear thin
基本解释v. 逐渐消失
- His patience began to wear thin during the long wait .
- 在长期的等待中,他的耐性慢慢消失了。
- Jinpei grimaced knowing her attitude would wear thin with the scum real soon .
- 扮鬼脸知道她的态度将会薄地以浮渣穿著真正的很快。
- An insurgent force depends on the goodwill of those in whose name it fights and the taliban 's religious credentials are beginning to wear thin .
- 一支反叛的武装被迫接受它为之战斗的人的意愿,塔利班的宗教信任也开始消失。
- Otherwise he said patience in the united states and in other nato countries for the mission could wear thin .
- 他说,否则美国以及其他北约国家对这一使命的耐心就会逐渐丧失。
- A vacation revitalizes your mind the demanding events of our weekly routine can wear thin on the livelihood of our psyche .
- 度假可以让你的身心充满活力每周例行的工作不断地吞噬着我们的心灵。
- But the president 's focus-group brand of governing is starting to wear thin for some who say the sessions are more style than substance .
- 但因有人质疑总统焦点小组讨论的管理方式偏离实际,该方法也开始逐渐被冷落。
- That domestic consensus like so much in britain began to wear thin after the second world war .
- 英国国内的这种看法,在二战后逐渐淡去。
- Even so china 's insistence that it is a poor developing nation is beginning to wear a little thin .
- 但即便如此,中国坚称自己仍是一个贫穷的发展中国家,也开始有些站不住脚。
- Their cloak of neutrality in the iran-iraq war was beginning to wear a bit thin .
- 他们在两伊战争中表面上所采取的中立态度开始有点露馅了。
- But don 't you have to be tall and thin to wear that dress ?
- 得高高瘦瘦的才能穿这样的衣服吧?