worse off
基本解释adv. 恶化,情况更坏
- Without apple chinese workers will be worse off .
- 没有苹果,中国工人将变得更糟。
- Trash makes everyone 's life worse off .
- 垃圾使得每个人的生活变得糟糕。
- This is one of the reasons why so many spiritual entrepreneurs are worse off than starving artists .
- 这是为什么许多精神企业家比精神匮乏的艺人还差的众多原因之一。
- But both became worse off in the years after 2000 especially when one includes the rapidly escalating costs of college .
- 但2000年后他们的处境都恶化了如果计入大学急速攀升的教育成本的话更是如此。
- Unenforceable claims and unsettled grievances would leave europe worse off than it was at the outset when the project of a united europe was conceived .
- 无法强制执行的债权和难以平息的不满将会把欧洲推到比欧盟还是一个构想时的欧洲更糟糕的境地。
- But the world is worse off because of the suffering brought needlessly into it .
- 但世界变得更糟糕了,因为它带来不必要的痛苦。
- Only a minority of earners benefited ; many in low-income brackets were left worse off .
- 只有少部分工薪阶层从中获益,许多低收入人士的处境则极为糟糕。
- And the result is a global slump that leaves everyone worse off .
- 结果就是令每个人变得更糟的全球性不景气。
- If a firm decided to buy as many amd chips as possible it could end up worse off since it might then have to pay more for the chips purchased from intel .
- 如果一家公司决定购买尽可能多的amd芯片,它的结果会更糟,因为它将不得不花更多的钱去购买英特尔的芯片。
- We need to engage in the same dialogue with countries such as india to convince them that all of us are worse off when nations shift the blame instead of sharing the burden .
- 我们还需要和像印度这样的国家进行同样的对话,来使他们相信当一个个国家不再互相分担责任,而是推卸责任时,我们大家的环境就会变得更糟。