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the power of force



1)the power of force,强制权2)administrative enforcement power,行政强制权3)compulsive right of inspection,监管强制权4)compulsory,强制5)force,强制6)mandatory,强制


The paper explores the method and art of the leader s power, including legal power, the power of force, the power of rewarding, the power of influence.


How to correctly understand the administrative enforcement power has directive meaning of the model of the administrative enforcement in our country.


The analyses on the feasibility of rural social pension insurance s changes from voluntary to compulsory;


According to the spread of public responsibility for fire in our country at present, this paper analyzes how to popularize compulsory public liability insurance for fire and its necessity and feasibility.


The implementation of compulsory construction insurance system has created a virtuous circle in construction industry in developed countries.


If the engineering quality insurance need to be forced implementation;


It is found under lower atmospheric temperature, adopting mechanical air technique, and combining exhaust style with press in style and intermittent ventilation, as well as forced air 101 hours by using air blower can lower the moisture of maize from 18% to 3.

采用机械通风技术 ,在较低的气温下 ,用风机强制通风 1 0 1h ,以吸出式和压入式相结合间歇通风法 ,可使原始水分 1 8%的玉米降低水分 3 4 %,与机械烘干和人工晾晒相比节约费用较大 ,有较好的经济效

At present,based on person-centered and depth of the rule of the university,Students have gradually reinforced right consciousness.


This paper analyzes the MIS database backup deficiencies exist,proposed and implemented SQL Server database for off-site backup and restoration of the mandatory double-backup solution.

分析了公司原用MIS系统在数据库备份方面存在的不足,提出并实现了SQL Server数据库异地备份、强制恢复的双备份解决方案。

The most effective and fundamental way to overcome the shortcomings of the country s political authority operation is to construct a "mandatory minimum" of the country with the "rule of law" under the guarantee.
