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principle refute



1)principle refute,免责抗辩2)immunity,免责3)Exemption,免责4)discharge,免责5)Risk Liability Exemption,风险免责6)exemption clause,免责条款


Its maritime distress that the carrier often cites as a defense against the shipper or receiver of the goods for immunity.


At present,the main legal provisions in the field of the prohibition of imprisonment for debt and protection of the rights of the debtor are mainly concen trated in criminal law,which unfortunately neglects the adoption and application of an effective bankruptcy discharge system in the world.


The author expounds the legal principles and the justifications of the discharge system focused on the bankruptcy law of America and Japan.

文章阐述了美国和日本破产免责制度的法理和正当化理论 ,探讨了免责制度的政治、文化和经济基础以及所包含的信用经济学和人的尊严的原理。

The disputes arising from this article are very popular in this judicial practice, and the exemption clause in the advance sales of commercial housing is regarded by developer as the excuse of exempting his own liability for default to impair the interest of extensive housing purchasers.


Dealing with the two main elements of determining the validity of exemption clause, incorporation and construction,this paper discusses a generous approach taken by Hong Kong Courts which is questioned here too.

香港法院对合同中免责条款的理解 ,与我国大陆地区甚至其他普通法适用地区均有所不同。

Since the World War II, the exemption clause for medical injury has emerged as the times require, going with the medical injury becoming a serious social problem.
