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Actio temporales(temporariae)



1)Actio temporales(temporariae),临时诉讼2)extinctive prescription,诉讼时效3)lawsuit prescription,诉讼时效4)limitation of action,诉讼时效5)prescription,诉讼时效6)limitation of actions,诉讼时效


There are two law-enacting forms concerning the term of extinctive prescription,namely,the objectivism and subjectivism.


This paper introduces the meanings of extinctive prescription and its classification,and the gen- eral principles applying to claiming damages,analyzes conditions applying to claiming damages in consecu- tive infringements,puts forward arguments over how to calculate extinctive prescription of rights for claim- ing damages when consecutive infringements happen and proposes an eclectic method.


Some scholars, who think guaranty period is a schedule period, fail to insist that schedule period applies only to right of formation while others, who believe guaranty period is an independent period can not understand similarities between guaranty period and extinctive prescription and fail to the prescription.

主张保证期间为独立期间的学者没有看到保证期间与诉讼时效的共同之处 ,没有正确理解诉讼时效。

The application of lawsuit prescription of B/L is studied in this paper so as to give guidance to the businessmen in the correct application when dealing with the case.


The determination of principal part of environmental tort lawsuit,proof and scope of request of environmental tort lawsuit,and lawsuit prescription are discussed.


The secured lawsuit prescription is an important legal system which is concerned with the time when judicial department protects the creditor s petition right.


The Model of Absolute Extinguishment of Substantive Right: Our Choice as it ought to Be in Effect of Limitation of Action——The review of fundamental theory about limitation of action and our new choice when we revise the law (part four);


The Discussion of Application of the Limitation of Action for Right of Claim for Real in the Way of It s Function of Maintaining Debt Trust——The review of fundamental theory about limitation of action and our new choice when we revise the law (part three);


Limitation of Action s Key Function in Maintaining Social Trust System in Industry and Business Civilization Society——The review of fundamental theory about limitation of action and our new choice when we revise the law(part two);


The main reasons for the defences agaist network copyright violations include the fair uses of works,the statutory licenses,the failure of copyright and the prescription expired and other circumstances.


There are different views in academic circle about how to ascertain the beginning for calculating the prescription period of Anspruch of unascertained deadline for performance.


In view of the main reasons why the Japanese court rejected the appeal of Chinese victims,an analysis is made of the individual s qualification for prosecuting Japan,of Japan s jurisdictional immunity, of prescription and treaty explanation.


Academic study on claim of property right and limitation of actions;


In fact,as limitation of actions is one part of civil law system,its value should probe into the principles of civil law itself.


Since limitation of actions concerning contract invalidation has not been provided in China s Law of Contract,there has been dispute over the question of limitation in theory and practice.


Limitation of Action for Only Principal;


The Mode and Influence of Limitation of Action's Effectiveness


On Duality Value Concern in the System of Limitation of Action in Civil Code-Also on the Deficit in the System of Limitation of Action in Civil Code of China;


The Dual Value of Limitation--The deficiency of limitation system of China;


On “Naked Rights” in Limitation System--A Review of Reasonability of Limitation;


A Probe on the Proper Excuse in the System of Limitation of Actions;


Extinctive Prescription of Rights for Claiming Damages in Consecutive Infringements;


Should Extinctive Prescriptions be Used to the Claim of Real Rights?;


Cultural Tradition, Social Changes and the Legislation on Negative Prescription;


Analysis on the Guarantee Period and Statute of Limitations;


Tentatively on the Duration of Guaranty and Limitation of Claim in Contract of Guaranty;


Analysis of Litigation Prescription System of Civil Responsibility of Environmental Torts;


On Transformation and Application of Guaranty Duration And Limitation of Action


Praescriptio pro actore

诉讼时效 就确定问题起诉(为原告的利益)

it is also binding on those with the right to join who did not take part in the registration but apply to start an action within the prescribed litigation period.


Disposition of the Consequences of the Invalidity of Civil Behavior and the Limitation of Actions;


A Brief Comment on the Legal Effect of Lawsuit Timeliness Agreement Extension of Maritime Affairs;


If the statute of limitations has run,the plaintiff is without redress.
