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reasonable time



1)reasonable time,合理时间2)reasonable time combination,合理时间组合3)rationality,合理4)rational,合理5)Reasonable,合理6)reason,合理


On the basis of analyzing the legal obligation of reasonable dispatch to be undertaken by the carrier of marine goods, this article suggests that the reasonable time shall be regarded as a time criterion of defining delay in delivery under Maritime Code of PRC in absence of agreement about the time of cargo delivery under the contract of carriage.


Investigation on Rationality of Settings of Vaccination Clinics in Shenzhen;


1 middle school,under the guidance of philosophy on seeking creative idea and being particular about rationality,a series of right design methods are used to make the planning and scheme successful.


The effect of using lubricant in rationality on saving oil was analyzed.

介绍了汽车摩擦对燃油消耗量的影响 ,探讨了改善润滑以降低汽车油耗的途径及润滑油的合理使用对汽车节油的影响。

Optimization study on rational productivity of the gas well in gas - cap reservoir of Kendong34 block in Xintan Oilfield;


To adjust the structure of papermaking raw materials in China and rationally utilize non-wood fiber resources;

调整我国造纸原料结构 合理利用非木材纤维资源

How to select a rational development approach is discussed.


How to design a scientific and reasonable system of financial accounting;


Reasonable Washing Process in Ximing Coal Preparation Plant;


In this paper,We sum up and evaluate the experiences of NCMS in 2004 Tongshan County,for example,from the way of which that including funding mechanisms and efforts,laws and regulations,and the proportion of compensation for outpatient and inpatient services,the importance of preventive health care,so that the operation of NCMS can be more reasonable.


The paper concludes itself with the statement that roughness should be set in reason acc.


With the "European Continent style" prevailing in construction now, the authors in this article tend to explain the reasons of this style, based on the study of architecture history, and also in the light of society, economy, history, culture and esthetics, and then come to the conclusion that such European Continent style is not reasonable in China.

当前建筑界流行一股“欧陆风” ,本文结合建筑历史阐释了“欧陆风”的基础 ,并从社会、经济、历史、文化和美学思潮等多个角度探讨了“欧陆风”产生流行的原因 ;分析了“欧陆风”存在的不合理性。

This article introduces the working principle of laser printer an d the basic knowledge of the reason shopping and use for it,and introduces serv ice methods of several common breakdowns.
