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the conclusion and revision of labor contract



1)the conclusion and revision of labor contract,订立和变更劳动合同2)modifiable and revocable labor contract,可变更可撤消劳动合同3)contract conclusion,合同订立4)conclude contract,订立合同5)labor contract legislation,劳动合同立法6)concluding and taking effect of the contract,合同的订立和生效


In order to maintain the benefit to the labor contract litigant,especially for the disadvantaged people,the labor contract legislation must focus on unfixed deadline labor contract and the fixed deadline contract as the auxiliary,putting the unfixed deadline labor contract the main position,acknowledging oral labor contract the legal effectiveness.


The Law of Contract issued in 1999 builds a relatively integrated and scientific lawful system about the concluding and taking effect of the contract for the first time in China.

因此研究《合同法》中有关合同订立和生效之法律制度 ,对认识和掌握海上货运合同的订立和生效大有裨益。

The conclusion and revision of labour contracts shall observe the principle of equality, voluntariness and unanimity through consultation.


For the establishment of labor relationship, a labor contract shall be signed.


On China Labor Contract;


The Realization of Labor Contract Law and the Conclusion and Rescission of Labor Contract;


The working conditions and pay standards agreed upon in the labour contracts signed by individual workers and the enterprise management shall not be lower than those provided for in the collective contract.

职工个人与企业订立的劳动合 同中劳动条件和劳动报酬等标准不得低于集体合同的规定。

Contracts that have been concluded by deception or coercion.


Study on Labor Contract Covenant about Senior Managerial Personnel of Company;


On the Making of Employment Restriction Regulations of Labor Contract;


several legal questions on signing labour contract;


The labor contracts shall, after being signed, be filed with the local labor management department for the record.


The《Labor Contract Law》should make checks two junctures of concluding and terminating the labor contract;


A labour contract without a fixed term may be concluded if the worker so desires.


Accepting the labor contract that fraudulent means concludes is invalid. Because not be lawful labor contract.


On Legislative Defects of Concluding Conditions about Flexible-term Labor Contract;


On the Effect of Draft Labor Contract Law towards Enterprises from the Aspect of New Rule of Making Labor Contract;


2. Contracts that have been concluded by deception or coercion.


A labour contract shall be concluded in a written form and shall contain the following provisions:


Perfecting the Legislation of Labor Contract and Establishing a Stable and Harmonious Labor Relation;

完善劳动合同立法 建立稳定和谐的劳动关系