dual constitutional monarchy system
England capitalist revolution in the 17th century and France capitalist revolution in the 18th century established two different political systems respectively,constitutional monarchy under parliament system and democratic republicanism.
In another word, Brunei has adopted the form of British constitutional monarchy, but traditional system of dynasty has remained the fundamental of this system.
The United Kingdom is the first constitutional monarchy in the world.
英国作为世界上最早君主立宪制国家 ,议会兴起于 1 3世纪 ,历经几个世纪 ,在 1 8世纪英国国会制度最终确立。
The thought of constitutional monarchy in the late Qing Dynasty is an important component of political thoughts in Modern China.
Tang Cai Chang s constitutional monarchy thought of putting it into practice by an armed rebellion by organizing the masses are different from that of Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao,who put forward the peaceful reform thought depending on the emperor,it also different from Sun Zhongshan s thought of realizing democracy and republic by means of revolution.
Through social practice for many years, he had a deep understanding on the abuse of the absolute monarchy and the roots of china s poverty and backward condition Also through the study of western political system and legal culture, he put forward a series of political reform idea, such as setting up congress and carrying out reformative idea of constitutional monarchy.
On the Formation of Constitutional Monarchy of the July Dynasty of France
Its political system is constitutional monarchy.
a constitutional monarchy in southern Africa.
Orthodox Constitutional Monarchist Party of Russia
a kingdom (constitutional monarchy) in northwestern Africa.
However, the monarchy retained many important and ill-defined powers.
In constitutional monarchy,the king and the queen are only nominal.
在君主立宪制中,国王和 王后只是象征性的,
it abolished tax exemptions, serfdom, aristocratic titles and privileges and sought to establish a constitutional monarchy in Paris.
This has led to the ongoing Nepalese Civil War in which more than 13,000 people have died.
In polity,He is in favor of constitutionalism and take constitutional monarchy as ideal political system.
在政治体制上 ,他主张宪政主义 ,把资产阶级的君主立宪制作为理想的政治制度
a constitutional monarchy on the western part of the islands of Samoa in the S Pacific.
Spain is a constitutional monarchy in which the royals have only ceremonial functions.
a constitutional monarchy in northwestern Europe; half the country lies below sea level.
French revolutionist.As a member of the States - General(1789 - 1791)he attempted to create a constitutional monarchy.
In another word, Brunei has adopted the form of British constitutional monarchy, but traditional system of dynasty has remained the fundamental of this system.
a grand duchy (a constitutional monarchy) in northwestern Europe between France and Belgium and Germany; an international financial center.
a constitutional ruler,ie one controlled or limited by a constitution
Constitutionalism Monarchy and Choice of Nineteen Significant Creeds of the Constitution;
- Contractus litteris
- Onus
- labor dispute arbitration
- amplified interpretation
- Outré
- request a people's court or an arbitration agency to alter
- Ratione temperis
- Ius connubii(=Conubium)
- offense of segregation by time
- Agrimensor
- bona fide possession
- personality reduced
- Praefectus urbi
- Interdictum adipiscendae possessionis
- nenrenewal penalties
- Praedes litis et vindiciarum
- Hospital Governing Committee
- Casus
- Pro herede gestio