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Comprehensive War



1)Comprehensive War,总体战争2)general,总体3)population,总体4)overall,总体5)totality,总体6)general process technology,总体工艺


In order to instead the Nanhai Ziqiang Hao Platform, the modified production platform must meet the capability of it in the limited-space conditions of jack-up rig, and this make it difficult to general and piping.


The author points out that the rational factors of science come into being in three different respects: the first, subject is differentiated from object; the second, the individual is differentiated from the general; the third, the individual stands on the opposite in conception.

从发生学角度对人类科学理性的产生作详细的考察 ,指出 :主体从客体中分化 ,个体从总体中分化 ,个体在观念中的自我对象化是科学理性因素产生过程中的三个不同方面。

Improving methods to calculate estimator minimum variance of the finite population mean;


Realizing the Test of Bartlett Homogeneity of Variance for N Population Variance in Excel;


X_n be independent and identically distributed samples deawn from a population x with distribution F.


This paper introduces overall design,structural design and features of this bridge.


This paper describes the overall concept of “Tender Working out System for construction Supervision”from the views of work organization and technical management,including the expected goal of the system in use.

本文从生产组织、技术管理的角度 ,论述了《工程建设施工监理投票书编制系统》软件研发的总体构思和投入应用的期望值。

The experience, lessons and understandings to port design along the Canal at the south of the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River including overall layout, vessel standard, design width of harbor basin and handling technology design, etc.


Suppose the totality is normal distribution,it is the premise of most of statistic analyses and examinations,but the calculations which use big stylebook to examine the totality normal distribution are much more complex,and it is hard to finish by handwork.

假定总体为正态分布 ,是绝大多数统计分析和统计检验的前提。

He rewrote the history concept between the totality and language.


They are totality, consciousness and social existence, ideology and truth.

在法兰克福学派对曼海姆知识社会学的批判中 ,有四个反复出现的主题 ,即总体性、意识与社会存在、意识形态、真理。