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round cornered pkt.



1)round cornered pkt.,圆角袋2)ROUND CORNERED POCKET,圆角袋3)fillet angle,圆角4)shoulder,圆角5)fillet,圆角6)rounded corner,圆角7)filleted corner,圆角8)round corner,圆角9)cavity die circular-arc,凹模圆角10)Fillet R,圆角R


The parameterized geometric model of the universal profiled roll is built with software ANSYS,the rigidity and weight of the housing is used as object function,then the housing fillet angle is optimized by multiple-object optimization method.


In the paper, the contact and frictionstates of a strip at die shoulder is studied by FEM simula-tion when strip is pulled through the shoulder withstretching force.


Plate pulled through shoulder is a general problem in stamping,that is also a difficult point in sheet forming technology.

板条通过圆角是冲压工艺中带有普遍性的问题 ,也是冲压工艺基础理论研究中的一个难点。

The deformation and mechanical state of sheet at shoulder largely affect the sheet forming performance That is a basic theory problem of sheet forming In this paper,the influence of shoulder radius,back tension and friction condition on strip pulled through shoulder are studied by FEM simulation The deformation and mechanical features of strip at different states are discusse

板料在圆角处的变形及受力情况对板料成形有很大的影响 ,是板料成形中不可回避的基础性理论问题之一。

Influence of concrete square column s section fillet on strengthening effect of carbon fiber;


The solid modeling of the fillet on the intersection line of two cylinders is a difficult problem in CAD and CAM, all the soft wears have no such function.


The fillet indication on the intersecting line of the cylinders is a difficult problem in the CAD during the mechanical design since all of the CAD/CAM softwares have no such function,and most of the users have to indicate it with approximate methods.
