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foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses and rise to the challenge of economic globalization



1)foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses and rise to the challenge of economic globalization,扬长避短,趋利避害,迎接经济全球化的挑战2)maximize what is good and minimize what is bad,趋利避害3)seek advantages and avoid disadvantages,避害趋利4)make best use of the advantages and avoid the disadvantages,扬长避短5)dogging weakness and seeking for good points,避短扬长类6)Mitigation countermeasures,趋利避害措施


To attain success in ideological and political education on the Internet,it is essential for colleges and universities to maximize what is good and minimize what is bad.


After that, the author puts forward his own opinion on how to make best use of the advantages and avoid the disadvantages, aiming to perfect the multimedia education system and to improve the teaching level.


According to their functions, taboo words can be divided into three types: dogging unluckiness and seeking for luck, dogging vulgarity and seeking for refinement, dogging weakness and seeking for good points.


We must therefore work together to cope with the risks by pooling our wisdom.


Strategy Study on University Students′ Internet Activities;


foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses and rise to the challenge of economic globalization


How to Maximize What is Good and Minimize What is Bad in On-Line Ideological and Political Education;


Creating a Healthy and Civilized Network Environment for Adolescents;


Utilizing the Advantages,Avoiding the Disadvantages and Introducing Innovation──Meditation on the Cross_culture Communication after China s Accession to WTO;

因势利导 趋利避害 融合创新——中国加入WTO后跨文化传播的思考

The Chinese tourism industry should face the challenge bravely with an active attitude and a down to earth way by seizing the opportunity and avoid threats.

另旅游业应趋利避害 ,以积极的态度和脚踏实地的作风迎接挑战。

As long as it can correctly control the situation, develop its advantages and avoid disadvantages, it is possible for China to win a favorable development position in the process of economic globalization.


Despite the grim international economic environment, we have created a new situation in our opening up by responding positively, striving to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and turning challenges into opportunities.


This article concentrates on the cause of the foam in the housing economy that composes of the main body of real estate economy, and then raises a series of measurements.


It must maintain extensive international contacts with all kinds of people, absorbing what is useful and rejecting what is harmful.


Since having benefit and avoiding harm is the fundamental principle for both existence and development of living beings, the mass evaluation needs especially to transmit an information on value relationship.


Trends of Tax-avoidance through Tax Heavens after the Unification of Two Sets of Enterprise Income Tax Laws and Their Countermeasures;


An investigator who has interest relationship with a given case shall withdraw from that case.


The chief advantages thus gained seem to be the protection from their enemies.


If a law-enforcing officer shares a direct interest with the party, he shall withdraw.


Reduce the hostile chiefs by inflicting damage on them; and make trouble for them, and keep them constantly engaged; hold out specious allurements,and make them rush to any given point.


Personnel who has an interest in the party concerned, which may affect the impartiality of the appraisement, shall withdraw.
