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to improve and implement preferential reemployment



1)to improve and implement preferential reemployment,完善和落实再就业优惠政策2)re employment policy,再就业政策3)preferential policy,优惠政策4)favorable policy,优惠政策5)Policy Preferences,政策优惠6)privilege policy,优惠政策


The re employment policy and practical experience of the economy transforming countries can enlighten us a lot on solving the unemployment problem.

经济转轨国家的再就业政策与实践经验 ,对我们解决失业问题具有重要启示。

Effects of national energy-saving preferential policy on the improvement of economy structure;


The great achievement in small hydropower construction owes to the preferential policy of introduction of foreign funds.

目前全县已建、在建小水电装机17万kW ,人均水电装机 1 1kW ,通过对该县为开发小水电采取积极招商引资的优惠政策进行分类介绍 ,分析了该县招商引资办水电的发展过程、特点及存在的问

Since the reform and open policy,Vietnam perfect the foreign capital investment law unceasingly,the investment procedure simplifies day by day,the investment environment is day by day loose,the investment preferential policy also increases.


Main reasons applying for favorable policy of hydropower objects are that their capacity benefits are ignored in network and their increment tax is higher in past.

过去水电项目向国家申请优惠政策时 ,强调水电机组 (调峰 )容量效益在电网中未得到体现、增值税赋相对过大等。

So,we should has the consciousness of get a good start,integrate tax rate,keep taxation fair and reasonable,improve resilience of tax system,perfect tax favorable policy,strengt.


It develops rapidly with favorable policy and loose supervisison but entails immenese financial risks,which incurs many relevant legal problems.


According to educational situation in different regions, the privilege policy to ethnic minority students.


to improve and implement preferential reemployment


Improving and implementing preferential reemployment policies.


We also need to develop the labor market, improve the employment service system, and conscientiously implement policies of preferential treatment that encourage self-employment and expand employment.

发展劳动力市场,完善就业服务体系。 认真落实鼓励自谋职业和促进就业的优惠政策措施。

Preferential policies shall be further carried out so as to help laid-off and jobless people to find reemployment.


A Study on the Perfection of Preferential Taxation Policies on China s New & Hi-Tech Industry;


On the Strategic Position of Medium and Small-sized Businesses and Improvement of Tax Preference Policies;

认清中小企业战略地位 完善税收优惠政策

The Perfection Of Our Income Tax Preferential Policy For High-Tech Industry;


Making Further Perfectness on the Tax Preferential Policy to the High and New Technology Industry;


Regulation and Perfection of Chinese Preferential Taxation Policies under the Background of Economic Globalization;


A Study on Xian s Laid-off and Unemployed Workers Re-employment Tax Preferential Policies;


The Legal Reflection on the Tax Preferences of Re-employment of China;


Make the Taxation Policy in Favour of Science and Technology Better,According to Experience of Foreign Countries;

借鉴国外经验 完善科技税收优惠政策

We should actively expand employment opportunities, continuously implement the preferential policies and promote different forms of re-employment.


The Research on How to Perfect Tax Preference Policy for Foreign Direct Investment in China;


Considerations about Perfecting Our Country s Taxation Preferential Policies for the Risk Investment;


Improving Tax Preference Policy and Promoting the Formation of Development Poles in Western China;


However, this plan effects a permanent cure which should le corried out, must reform and perfect the way of being in power of the Communist Party of China carefully.


Carry out the employment policy, improve the environment of starting business and getting jobs;

实施积极的就业政策 改善创业和就业环境