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surplus labor



1)surplus labor,剩余劳动力。2)surplus labor force,剩余劳动力3)surplus labor,剩余劳动力4)surplus labour,剩余劳动力5)Surplus labor forces,剩余劳动力6)surplus labors,剩余劳动力7)surplus labourers,剩余劳动力8)transfer of surplus labor force,剩余劳动力转移9)agricultural surplus labor force,农业剩余劳动力10)agricultural surplus labor,农业剩余劳动力


Tap Existing Inner Potential in Agriculture and Absorb Surplus Labor Force;

挖掘农业内部潜力 吸纳剩余劳动力

How to Realize a Reasonable Transfer of Surplus Labor Force in Rural Areas;


Transfer of rural surplus labor force and rural urbanization;


Development of service export and bringing about the transition of surplus labor in agriculture;

发展劳务输出 实现农村剩余劳动力的转移

Cause analysis and countermeasures of transfer of China s fishery surplus labor force;


An Analysis on the Economic Mode of Rural Surplus Labor Tranfer;


New thinking to the transfer of rural surplus labour;


Discussion on the shift of rural surplus labour force in Yun again;


The article discusses what s the surplus labour,how they come into being and how to set up a new employment pattern.

农业耕地面积的日益减少和农业劳动力生产率的不断提高 ,使得农业剩余劳动力呈迅猛增长趋势 ,同时城市工业部门由于效益约束机制的强化 ,其吸纳劳动力的能力被大大削弱 ,于是大量农业剩余劳动力被迫滞留于有限的土地上 。

The paper probes the problem on the transfer of the village surplus labor forces at the angle of the education on the occupational technique.


The paper probes the problem on the transfer of the village surplus labor forces at the angle of the education on vocational technique.


In order to quicken the pace of shift of surplus labor forces and accelerate the development of economy, this paper presents some effective approaches to solve the shift of surplus labor forces through the studies of approaches of shift of surplus labor forces based on the situation of surplus labor forces in west rural areas.


This paper uses traditional and modern co-integrating theory to establish models with empirical data, which analyze the characteristics of external transference and distribution about rural surplus labors in western villages, taking Chongqing as an example, with math and written languages to explain contents.


This paper discusses how to realize the best distribution and the most effective use of the 160 thou sand country surplus labors in the four counties in Bashang region in Northwest Hebei.


The author illustrates the theory of dynamic utility exchange priority and puts forward the policy suggestion of transferring rural surplus labors.

农村剩余劳动力转移问题能否合理解决 ,不仅直接影响到中国农民收入、农民生活条件和实现农业现代化的进程 ,而且也关系到非农产业乃至整个国民经济的协调发展。

Empirical Study on the Transfer of Agricultural Surplus Labor Force in Yunnan Province;


Lu an City lying in west Anhui is an agricultural one with a large population, which is post-off in agricultural surplus labor force transfer and the main factors includes the character s qualities, huge population and the social government of the transfer process.


Study on Forming Structure and Transferring Strategies of Agricultural Surplus Labor in China;


Transfer of the Chinese agricultural surplus labor in the transition period: problems and solutions;


On the macro-policies for the transfer of agricultural surplus labor;
