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Appellate Body



1)Appellate Body,上诉机构2)Appeal body,上诉机构3)the appellate body,上诉机构4)DSB appellate organization,DSB上诉机构5)the WTO Appellate Body,WTO上诉机构6)Panel/Appellate Body,专家组/上诉机构


The Position of Report of Panel/Appellate Body in WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism;


, especially in ,the efficiency of its interpretations and appellate body`s report.


Absence of a remand procedure in Dispute Settlement of World Trade Organization causes a dilemma in practice-When the Appellate Body overrules a panel, should it decide the case for itself or let the panel re-examine the case? The Appellate Body has developded a skill of completing the analysis.


Although the principle of judicial economy derived from GATT has been carried on and developed in WTO dispute settlement,there are some practice puzzle for the panel and the appellate body to use the principle of judicial economy.


The establishment of the WTO Appellate Body (AB) turns over a new page in the international judicial system.

WTO上诉机构的建立揭开了国际司法制度史上的崭新一页 ,对于整个争端解决机制的维护与发展具有深远的意义。

The Appellate Body shall hear appeals from panel cases.


Adoption of Appellate Body Reports


Appellate Body [World Trade Organization]


11. Opinions expressed in the Appellate Body report by individuals serving on the Appellate Body shall be anonymous.

11. 上诉机构报告中由任职于上诉机构的个人发表的意见应匿名。

Persons serving on the Appellate Body shall serve in rotation.


Article 18 Communications with the Panel or Appellate Body

第18条 与专家组或上诉机构的联系

Article 19 Panel and Appellate Body Recommendations

第19条 专家组和上诉机构的建议

10. The proceedings of the Appellate Body shall be confidential.

10. 上诉机构的程序应保密。

1. A standing Appellate Body shall be established by the DSB.

1. DSB应设立一常设上诉机构

12. The Appellate Body shall address each of the issues raised in accordance with paragraph 6 during the appellate proceeding.

12. 上诉机构应在上诉程序中处理依照第6款提出的每一问题。

Research on Jurisdiction of Appellate Body in DSB;


7.7 Where a panel report is appealed, the Appellate Body shall issue its decision within 60 days from the date when the party to the dispute formally notifies its intention to appeal.

7.7 如专家组报告被上诉,上诉机构应在争端方正式通知其上诉意向之日起60天内作出决定。

1. There shall be no ex parte communications with the panel or Appellate Body concerning matters under consideration by the panel or Appellate Body.

1. 不得就专家组或上诉机构审议的事项与专家组或上诉机构进行单方面联系。

Such rotation shall be determined in the working procedures of the Appellate Body.


The Appellate Body membership shall be broadly representative of membership in the WTO.


The Position of Report of Panel/Appellate Body in WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism;


Analyses on the Panel and Appeal Body of the Disputing Settlement Mechanism of the World Trade Organization;


In fixing its timetable the Appellate Body shall take into account the provisions of paragraph 9 of Article 4, if relevant.
