- Official Receiver's Office破产管理署
- discharge破产解除,清偿(债务)
- order of discharge破产解除令
- Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund Board破产欠薪保障基金委员会
- Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund破产欠薪保障基金
- law of insolvency破产清盘法
- destructive influence破坏性影响
- generalized system of preference普及特惠制(普惠制)
- general warrant普通拨款令
- ordinary share capital普通股股本
- general crossing普通划线
- Group of Seven leaders七大工业国元首
- opening balance期初结余
- futures individual clearing dealer期货独立结算交易商
- prior inventory期初库存
- futures crossing procedure期货对盘程序
- futures non-clearing dealer期货非结算交易商
- forward purchase期货购买
- futures adviser期货顾问
- dealing in futures contracts期货合约交易
- option on a futures contract期货合约期权,期货期权
- futures contract value期货合约市值,期约市值
- futures or options clearing house期货或期权结算所
- forward trading期货交易,远期交易
- futures dealer期货交易商
- futures trading adviser期货交易顾问
- futures introducing broker期货介绍经纪
- Futures Brokerage期货经纪
- Future Rate Agreement (FRA)期货利率协议
- Futures Compensation Fund Committee期货赔偿基金委员会(证券及期货事务监察委员会)
- futures general clearing dealer期货通用结算交易商
- Futures Market Maker期货庄家
- Futures Exchange Company期交所
- Futures Exchange Compensation Fund期交所赔偿基金
- Ending stocks期末库存
- Bullet Loan期末一次性偿还贷款
- options market maker期权庄家
- Bullet Bond期末一次性偿还债券
- option期权,认购权,选择权,选购权
- option position期权持仓量
- underlying share期权基础股份
- options trading member期权交易会员
- option premium期权金,期权溢价
- Options Clearing Corporation期权结算公司(芝加哥)
- sugar futures期糖
- term期限
- maturity mismatching arrangement期限错配安排
- maturity mismatch profile期限错配组合
- fraudulent misrepresentation欺诈的失实陈述
- fraudulent trading欺诈营商
- time apportionment
- "time apportionment" case
- "high buy low sell" strategy
- cornering
- squeeze
- lot
- endaka
- one board lot of securities
- forced liquidation
- open a position
- Impairment
- Dumping
- Supplementary Notes to the Fit and Proper Criteria (for applicants applying for licences under the Leveraged Foreign Exch
- Fact Book 19XX
- Statements of Insurance Practice
- Fortune Magazine
- Estimates of Gross Domestic Product
- Financial and Accounting Regulations
- Financial Circular
- Standing Accounting Instructions