- winding-up petition清盘呈请
- winding-up proceeding清盘程序
- wound-up company清盘公司
- winding-up order清盘令
- liquidator清盘人
- liquidator's bond清盘人的债券
- Liquidation清算、清理
- whitewash document.nbsp清洗交易文件
- whitewashed offer清洗交易要约
- trend prediction趋势预测
- Trend flow increase趋势增长
- growth rate趋势增长率
- trend line趋向线
- level off趋向平稳,趋平
- deregistration取消登记
- disqualification of directors取消董事资格
- disqualification order取消资格令
- National Market System全国市场系统(美国)
- National Association of Securities Dealers全国证券交易商协会(美国)
- National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations全国证券交易商自动报价协会(美国)
- overall price relative全面相对价格
- overall tally全面总计
- GNP全民生产总值
- full year cost全年经费,全年费用
- annual全年
- GDR全球存托凭证
- Global Macro Strategy全球宏观策略
- Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)全球投资表现标准
- Global Bond全球债券
- Global Registered Share全球注册股票
- discretionary account全权代客投资户口,全权委托户口,全权代客买卖账户
- Discretionary Order全权委托指令
- general body of shareholders全体股东
- Greenfield Investment全新投资项目
- Wholly Owned Subsidiary全资拥有子公司
- rights and interests权益
- Stakeholder权益方
- equity share权益股,普通股
- equity earnings权益股收益
- Equity Accounting权益会计法
- equity securities权益证券,股本证券
- net equity权益净额
- determination of net profit确定纯利
- Gunma Finance (Hong Kong) Limited群马财务(香港)有限公司
- fuel oil tax燃油税
- Hot Issue热门发行
- Establishment Subcommittee人事编制小组委
- Life Insurance list人寿保单
- life insurance corporation人寿保险法团
- life insurance fund人寿保险基金
- time apportionment
- "time apportionment" case
- "high buy low sell" strategy
- cornering
- squeeze
- lot
- endaka
- one board lot of securities
- forced liquidation
- open a position
- Impairment
- Dumping
- Supplementary Notes to the Fit and Proper Criteria (for applicants applying for licences under the Leveraged Foreign Exch
- Fact Book 19XX
- Statements of Insurance Practice
- Fortune Magazine
- Estimates of Gross Domestic Product
- Financial and Accounting Regulations
- Financial Circular
- Standing Accounting Instructions