- life and annuity business人寿及年金业务
- subscription认购,认股,会费
- subscription price认购价格
- subscription rate认购率
- subscription list认购名单
- call warrant认购权证
- subscriber认购人,认购者
- put option认沽期权,看跌期权
- put warrant认沽认股权证
- warrant认股权证,拨款令,支款授权书
- warrant stock认股权证,认购股权证书
- Warrant Coverage认股权证比重
- warrant issue prospectus认股权证发行章程
- stock warrant认股证,认股权证
- Warrant Premium认股权证溢价
- authorized unit trust认可单位信托
- approved regional exchange认可地区性交易所
- recognized counterparty认可对手方
- approved share registrar认可股份登记员
- authorized mutual fund认可互惠基金
- recognized exchange company认可交易所
- recognized clearing house认可结算所
- recognized exchange controller认可控制人
- recognized futures market认可期货市场
- approved investment adviser认可投资顾问
- recognized stock market认可证券市场
- recognized investor compensation company认可投资者赔偿公司
- recognized occupational retirement scheme认可职业退休计划
- authorized automated trading services认可自动化交易服务
- authorized ATS provider认可自动化交易服务提供者
- sanction认许,制裁
- Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan,Limited日本长期信用银行
- JCG Finance Company,Limited日本信用保证财务有限公司
- Japanese Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations日本证券交易商自动报价协会
- Japan Securities Clearing Corporation日本证券结算公司
- Japanese Securities Finance Company日本证券金融公司
- purchase and sale statement日结单对帐表,买卖报告
- Nikkei 225 Index日经225指数
- NIKKEI 225日经指数
- day end liquidity日终流动资金
- financing融资,提供资金,资金融通
- loaning融资研究
- financing scheme融资方案
- Leveraged Recapitalization融资资本充实
- financing lease融资租赁
- net total income入息实额,收入实额
- total income入息总额
- Soft Commodity软商品
- Soft Money软通货、纸币
- surge锐升,激增,飙升
- time apportionment
- "time apportionment" case
- "high buy low sell" strategy
- cornering
- squeeze
- lot
- endaka
- one board lot of securities
- forced liquidation
- open a position
- Impairment
- Dumping
- Supplementary Notes to the Fit and Proper Criteria (for applicants applying for licences under the Leveraged Foreign Exch
- Fact Book 19XX
- Statements of Insurance Practice
- Fortune Magazine
- Estimates of Gross Domestic Product
- Financial and Accounting Regulations
- Financial Circular
- Standing Accounting Instructions