- animal protection动物保护
- animal residue动物残渣
- animal cuticle动物表皮
- animalization动物化
- animal excreta动物粪
- animals动物性
- animal function动物性机能
- animal protein feed动物性蛋白饲料
- animal manure动物性杂肥
- gelic soil冻层土壤
- animal learning动物训教
- cold death冻死
- frozen damage冻害
- effect of soil freezing冻土效应
- shaker抖动器,抖落器
- tundra soil冻原土
- bean dregs豆腐渣
- pod豆荚
- grain legume豆科粮食罪
- leguminous grain feed豆科谷粒饲料
- legume green manure crop豆科绿肥罪
- leguminous feed豆科饲料
- vegetable legumes豆科蔬菜
- feed legume豆科饲料植物
- apparatus of bean drilling豆类排种装置
- leguminous crop豆科罪
- bean combine豆类罪联合收获机
- bean cutter豆类罪收割机
- Poisonous plant毒草
- toxic amine poisoning毒胺中毒
- toxic plant poisoning毒草中毒
- virulent毒性的
- poisoning with water hemlock毒芹中毒
- toxic spider毒蜘蛛
- toxicology毒作用
- argument独立变数
- calf scours犊牛白痢
- independence test独立性测验
- probability method独立事件
- law of independence独立遗传定律
- Vaccinium uliginosum L笃斯越桔
- Lepidium apetalum独行菜
- gutta percha tree杜仲树
- Brachypodium distachyon短柄草
- anisolecithal端黄的
- short footed短柄的
- feeble estrus短发情
- short eared pig短耳猪
- silicle短角果
- noil短毛