- wild blueberry短毛蓝果忍冬
- short-range weather forecast短期天气预报
- short wool breed短毛种
- short term monitoring短期预察
- short day vegetable短日性蔬菜
- short day length treatment短日处理
- short day plant短日植物
- short branch短枝
- weight at ablactating断奶窝重
- amputation of horn断角
- weanling断奶幼畜
- weaned piglets断奶仔猪
- weanling number断奶只数
- Severed tail断尾
- weaning断乳
- stacking machine堆垛机
- compost heap堆肥堆
- compost堆肥
- compost grinder堆肥粉碎机
- principle of contrast对比原理
- comparative test对比试验
- oppositional gene对立基因
- oppositifolious对生叶的
- paralocus对位基因座位
- feed warming炖饲料
- check plot对照小区
- amblyophyllous钝叶的
- polygalacturonase多半乳糖醛酶
- abortive infection顿挫性感染
- polypetalous多瓣的
- hyperprolific animal多产性动物
- polyhaploid多倍单倍体
- multiparous trait多产性性状
- multipistillate mutant多雌蕊突变体
- polygenetic soil type多成因土壤类型
- multiple pistilate line多雌蕊系
- multiple rearing多次养蚕
- polyestrus多次发情
- polymitosis多次有丝分裂
- polysepalous多萼片的
- polyhybrid多对基因杂种
- heavy manuring culture多肥栽培
- multiple land use多方面土地利用
- polyphenol layer多酚层
- polyarthritis多关节炎
- polyrhizal多根的
- polyribosome多核蛋白体
- polynuclear complex salt多核络盐
- polynucleotide ligase多核苷酸连接酶
- Phaseolus coccineus L多花菜豆