- Quick-Fried Fringe Shell with XO SauceXO酱爆北极裙
- Sautéed Pigeon Breast in XO SauceXO酱爆乳鸽脯
- Sautéed Lily Bulbs and Seaweed in XO SauceXO酱炒海茸百合
- Sautéed Beef Fillet in XO SauceXO酱炒牛柳条
- Stir-Fried Rice with Assorted Seafood in XO SauceXO酱海鲜蛋炒饭
- Sautéed Sliced Cuttlefish in XO SauceXO酱花枝片
- Sautéed Sliced Sea Whelks and Lotus Root in XO SauceXO酱莲藕炒海螺片
- Braised Eggplant with Shrimps and Minced Pork in XO SauceXO酱虾子肉松茄子煲
- Fried Scallops with XO SauceXO酱鲜椒煎带子
- Sautéed Shrimp with Lily Bulbs and Gingko in XO SauceXO酱银杏果百合炒虾仁
- Aberdeen阿巴丁布
- the Abbāsids阿拔斯王朝
- Abbas I阿拔斯一世
- Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture阿坝藏族自治州
- Adolf Hitler阿道夫 希特勒
- Atisha阿底峡尊者
- Archarya阿阇黎
- The Temple of Artemis(Diana) at Ephesus阿尔忒弥斯神庙
- Arkansas/AR阿肯色
- Couscous with Vegetables阿拉伯蔬菜黄米饭
- Arafat阿拉法特
- Alaska阿拉斯加
- Alaya-consciousness阿赖耶识
- Alion,Ribera del Duero阿里安
- shravakas阿罗汉
- Akshobya阿门佛、金刚不动佛
- Amritsar阿姆利则
- Arnold Toynbee阿诺德 汤因比
- Arnord Wolfers阿诺德 沃尔弗斯
- Abhidharma阿毗达摩、强调智慧
- BBQ Beef with Spicy Sauce阿香婆石头烤肉
- Ashoka阿育王
- Chateau Cos d'Estournel埃思杜耐尔古堡
- Alfred Thayer Mahan艾尔弗雷德 马汉
- Allegrini Amarone艾格尼酒庄阿玛罗尼
- Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing)艾窝窝
- Idaho/ID爱达荷
- Edward Karl爱德华 卡尔
- Irish Coffee爱尔咖啡
- Guinness爱尔兰啤酒
- Irish Whiskey爱尔兰威士忌
- Iowa/IA爱荷华
- Aiyu Jelly爱玉冰
- Cheval Des Andes,Mendoza安德马骑士
- The Andean Pact安第斯条约集团
- Underberg安定宝
- Antinori Grappa Tignanello安东尼酒庄 格兰帕果渣酒
- Antinori Tignanello,Tuscany安东尼酒庄 天娜葡萄园 托希卡娅
- Antinori,Chianti Classico安东尼酒庄尚提传统经典
- anglerfish安康鱼
- "shuttle diplomacy"
- damaru
- the principle of "tightening collection and management,plugging up loopholes,punishing corruption and clearing up overd
- "ping-pong diplomacy"
- Air ball
- swastika
- flop
- Pack
- party
- Acting President
- Vice President
- President/Chancellor
- run on banks
- Integration process
- Consumption abroad
- Cross border supply
- Commercial presence
- natural person
- Presence of natural person
- Sweet Martini,Italy