- Annapolis安那波利斯
- concept of security安全概念
- security relations安全关系
- security concept安全观
- safety door hook安全门钩
- Security System安全体制
- safety investigate安全研究
- Anxi-tieguanyin安溪铁观音
- Henri de Verlaine Brut安雅纳香槟
- abide in安住
- Om Amarani Sivandiye Soha唵 阿玛兰尼 只温地易 疏哈
- policy of purchasing grain without limitations at protective prices按保护价敞开收购粮食的政策a
- calculate at constant price按不变价格计算
- calculate at comparable price按可比价格计算
- Stud按扣
- snap按钮,按扣
- anopheles按蚊,疟蚊
- calculate on the base line按原口径计算
- darkturquoise暗宝石绿
- inset pocket,concealed pocket暗袋
- advancing secretly by an unknown path暗渡陈仓
- darkolivegreen暗橄榄绿色
- darkseagreen暗海蓝色
- wine red,puce,dark red,dull red暗红色
- darkslateblue暗灰蓝色
- charcoal grey暗灰色
- Dark age暗劫
- darkgoldenrod暗金黄色
- darkorange暗桔色
- darkkhaki暗卡其色
- bottle green, forest green, night-green,dark olive,dull green暗绿色
- ebony,blue deep,marine blue,Oxford blue暗蓝色
- darkcyan暗青色
- darksalmon暗肉色
- crimson暗深红色
- darkmagenta暗洋红色
- admiral,dark violet,dull purple,damson暗紫色
- Chateau Haut Bages Liberal奥巴里奇古堡
- Treaty if Augsburg奥格斯堡条约
- Auguste Comte奥古斯特 孔德
- Oliver Cromwell奥利弗 克伦威尔
- King Indrabhuit奥利沙国王因陀罗浦谛
- Oswald Spengler奥斯瓦尔德 施宾格勒(德国历史哲学家)
- Otto von Bismarch奥托 冯 俾斯麦
- Braised Fish Maw with Scallops澳带烩鱼肚
- ANZCERTA:Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement澳新紧密经济关系协定
- Australian Lobster(Sashimi,in Chicken Consommé,Fried with Spiced Salt)澳洲龙虾(刺身,上汤焗,椒盐)
- Spinach with Eight Delicacies八宝菠菜
- Assorted Chinese Herbal Tea八宝茶
- Seaweed Soup of Eight Delicacies八宝海茸羹
- "shuttle diplomacy"
- damaru
- the principle of "tightening collection and management,plugging up loopholes,punishing corruption and clearing up overd
- "ping-pong diplomacy"
- Air ball
- swastika
- flop
- Pack
- party
- Acting President
- Vice President
- President/Chancellor
- run on banks
- Integration process
- Consumption abroad
- Cross border supply
- Commercial presence
- natural person
- Presence of natural person
- Sweet Martini,Italy