- mean value theorem for integral第一类不连续点
- Bessel function;Bessel function of the first kind第一类贝塞尔函数,贝塞尔函数
- canonical coordinates of the first kind第一类典范坐标
- incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind第一类不完全椭圆积分
- Fredholm integral equation of the first kind第一类弗雷德霍姆积分方程
- Coupler curve第一类尖点
- Hankel function of the first kind第一类汉克尔函数
- elliptic cylinder function;Mathieu function of the first kind第一类马蒂厄函数,椭圆柱函数
- Legendre function of the first kind第一类勒让德函数
- Lamé function of the first kind第一类拉梅函数
- first Chebyshev polynomials第一类切比雪夫多项式
- elliptic integral of the first kind第一类椭圆积分
- elliptic function of the first kind第一类椭圆函数
- Volterra integral equation of the first kind第一类沃尔泰拉积分方程
- legendre's complete elliptic integrals第一类完全椭圆积分
- first quartile第一四分位数
- first theorem of the mean第一平均值定理
- identification of the first kind第一类粘合
- first quadrant第一象限
- first projection第一投影,第一射影
- first obstruction第一障碍类
- tensor form of the first kind第一张量形式
- improper integral of the first kind第一种反常积分
- first mean value theorem第一中值定理
- Tissot-Pohhammer differential equation蒂索-波哈默微分方程
- differential form of the first kind第一种微分形式
- canonical sheaf典范层
- canonical divisor class典范除子类
- canonical product典范乘积
- canonical valuation典范赋值
- canonical bundle典范丛
- canonical imbedding典范嵌入
- base典范基
- canonical morphism典范态射
- canonical expression典范式
- Typical distribution典型分布
- canonical factorization典范因子分解
- classical complex simple Lie algebras典型复单李代数
- typical resolving典型分解
- classical Lie algebra典型李代数
- canonical process典型过程
- classical real simple Lie algebras典型实单李代数
- typical means典型平均
- canonical flabby resolution典型松弛分解
- canonical hyperbolic system典型双曲线系
- point measure点测度
- inversion of a point点的反演
- field of points点场
- blowing up at a point点的拉开
- local ring of a point点的局部环